Chapter 17

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You were travelling in one of multiple vans to the headquarters. In your van was Yoongi, Jungkook, Amber, Kai, Krystal and Taeil as well as some others that you didn't really care about too much. Some of which weren't in that meeting with Woozi.

Kai and Krystal were almost opposite you and Yoongi. It was strange, you hadn't really had the chance to get to know your new teammates yet. Hopefully afterwards you'd get the opportunity to. Taeil was sat in the passenger seat and shouted back at the rest of you.
"We're about 5 minutes from the building ok lads..." Then his eyes rested on you, "and ladettes!"

You smiled slightly as he returned to face the front. Admittedly, this Taeil was quite attractive with his glasses even though he was quite a bit older than you. If Yoongi hadn't have been there, you'd have totally replied with a sarcastic comment. He seemed like a nice guy and again, though you didn't know much about him, he seemed like a decent leader.
You got up from your seat and held onto the hand grip hanging from the ceiling. Yoongi's hand sat on your hip which steadied you.
"At least we know the way around this place" Yoongi reassured you, his comment even made you laugh. The place where you grew up training and fighting... you knew it like the back of your hand. You just hoped that Woozi's team did as well.

The van came to a halt and you all piled out the doors and into the building. It was strange returning like it was painted black and red with a warning sign over the front. The building wasn't your home anymore, if anything it would be your warzone for today.
A few of the team members were ahead and had already shot down the security cameras and killed the workers in reception. You had little pity for the receptionist, they would annoy you with their short skirts and fluttering eyes. The first time they had annoyed you was when you and Yoongi entered the building as you first both moved in full time, one of the ladies had taken a fine interest in Gigi but not you and that got on your nerves. Even when you'd arrive with Jungkook from a mission they would eye him up like a pile of meat and make you cringe internally. Even remembering that one time you killed a receptionist because she was rude and arrogant and did not take the job seriously. Now, now you had to focus.

You headed to the stairs and rampaged up to the 6th floor, where your father was likely to keep his new trainers. Yoongi broke through the doors and you stormed through. A shot was fired as you realised they were here, attempting to defend themselves. How cute. How cutely misguided they were. You peered slightly over a wall around some desk and saw who these 'trainees' were. There weren't any you clearly recognised but only one stood out, Dino. He died, that's what you were told. Wait, that's what your father told you... There wasn't any time to debate whether he actually died or not. He was going to die this time round. You raised your mask so only your eyes could be seen and repeatedly shot in their direction. A couple of bodies fell but not his.

"How many more?" You asked Yoongi without looking in his direction, "Gigi?"
Turning to face him, you noticed how he was patching up Chen. The sound of gun fire almost faded out as you concentrated on Yoongi wrapping a bandage around Chen's right arm. Once it was secure, both men picked up their guns and began to fire again.
You joined in and shot rapidly aiming in Dino's direction. Then, thankfully, you heard the last body collapse. Fortunately, only 1 man from your side had been killed. It was one of the other workers who you never got to know.
You marched over to where they had been stationed and looked over the bodies. You didn't care how many anymore, Dino was dead, that's all that mattered. Nudging him, his body flopped away from you. Lifeless. He was meant to be your friend as well - shows you can hardly trust anyone.

The group continued to walk up the floors taking out as many people as they could that stood in their way. Unfortunately, there wasn't any time to try to get people to defect to your side. You reached the 8th floor when more gun fire sounded. It came from the room near the end of the hall. Your group proceeded to walk in that direction when a massive explosion came. Blood splattered around where the main gun shots had been heard and a few limbs flew free. A body was thrust towards your group. This time, Taeil stepped forward and examined the body. He motioned and Kai and Krystal entered the room to check for survivors.
"I'm sorry!" Taeil started, "it's Namjoon." Virus guy?? Wow...
Kai and Krystal came back out the room, "no known survivors." Kai stated.
"A couple of bodies were identified as GD, Mingi and Seungkwan sir."
Damn, someone better keep some kind of body count.

You moved on, you had to, no turning back. Already, some of Woozi's best workers were dead so you decided to ring him to let him know.
"what is it?"
"Woozi, GD and Namjoon are both dead, as well as-"
"Y/N, you're alive right?"
"It - it doesn't matter about them right now, they were good workers but you need to focus ok. Phone me when it's all over!"
With that, he cut off. Weird... Encouraging but he could have shown a bit more emotion. The team were moving up to the 9th floor and the pressure increased. There were about ten times as many men here, mostly because your father's office was just above this. You took shelter behind a wall and fired as often as you could.

A couple more men fell and you advanced to hide in a little booth. Yoongi and Jungkook never left your side. Hoshi, however, was like a walking disaster - almost like Chen. He got shot in the leg and Sunmi was forced to put a bandage around it. As long as the blood stopped, that's as far as the first aid would go.
The shooting eventually stopped, or so you thought. You got up to be shot in the shoulder. Immediately, you fell down and curled up trying to stop the blood flow. Jungkook was first over to see you and he carefully picked out the bullet pieces he could see. Yoongi then got a bandage and secured it around the wound. It stung like hell but you had to carry on, you were going to make it to see your father. No matter how injured you were, you'd see him in pieces if you had to. You were determined to make it up to the next floor.

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