Chapter 7

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You were setting up everything for the raid. The only thing you had to go through first was briefing. This is where the leaders would go over the final plan in order to make sure everyone knew their roles. You'd also go through possible scenarios and check to see if they knew what to do in those situations. Unfortunately, you and Yoongi had only made a few notes as to what to say. It was really hard for both of you to concentrate properly from the slight awkwardness. However, you managed to prepare yourself well enough to do a good briefing. Just before you started, you got out your notes to run through them, never too late to double check everything. You were in the living room while the other members (except Yoongi) where in their individual rooms.

'All we are looking for is'
*cough cough*
'All we are looking for is a b-'
*cough cough*
Yoongi kept interrupting your practise. Whether his coughing was accidental or on purpose, it was annoying and needed to stop.
"Do you mind Gi?" You raised your voice through your gritted teeth.
He shook his head, "no"
This made you wonder why you had kissed him. No matter how loving he was, he could still be a dick when he wanted to be.
"Then could you be quiet while I go over the notes?"
"I don't need to, knowing you, you've gone through the notes a billion times"
You glared at him. Yes you had gone over the notes a few times but another practise never hurt anyone. What was he playing at?

Yoongi's perspective~

She worried too much, he didn't mean for it to come across the way it had. He had been caring before and it came across ok but maybe it was still all new to him that he wasn't doing it right or she wasn't getting it. Y/N just needed to chill that's all!
"Well sorry if I want it to be accurate"
Her sarcasm almost made him laugh but he held it in. She turned her back on him. Taking this opportunity, he walked closer to Y/N and pulled her in a back hug, "it's already perfect there's no need to worry sweetie"
She relaxed a bit at that. But not for long. Soon, she was trying to escape his hug and became very tense when he didn't let go. He wasn't having her stress over something as small as this. There was no need and it could only make things worse in the long run.
Hesitating at first but then with more confidence, he kissed the back of her neck. Her heart rate increased at that. He could feel the beats as his lips lightly pressed against her neck. He loved this. He was right, she was his release. He... Loved Y/N?

Your perspective~

You made sure that before the other members walked in, you had distanced yourself from Yoongi. The kiss was unexpected and sent shock waves through your body. At one point, you even had to try to calm your inner thoughts down to stop any blush that may have spread across your face. For sure, the last thing you wanted was for both of you to be teased for a having a fling on a mission.

Jungkook and Amber were the first to come into the room. Unsurprisingly, Jackson was last. He had obviously been doing his hair as it looked more styled than the other day. It certainly wasn't bed hair to say the least.
You started the briefing and kept your cool throughout all the looks Gigi gave you. Why was he looking at you so much? It can't have been just because you were talking because he hardly seemed to look at the others present. Once it was his turn to speak, you noticed how he would lick his lips every time you two made eye contact. It was putting you off. You needed to concentrate. Attachments in this line of work always seemed to end badly and you didn't want something like that to happen between the two of you.
The briefing had eventually finished and although you could tell Jeon was dying to talk to you, Amber got there first.
"So Y/N this is tonight right?"
You nodded and so she continued,
"Is it weird of me to think that all this mission stuff is going way too fast?"
You shook your head, "no, I mean... why do you say that Amber?"
"It's just that it's only been like a day and now we're planning on attacking. Why so soon?"
"I don't know, boss' orders"
Boss' orders. They didn't always make sense but you just had to roll with the punches in this industry; that's something you learnt from a young age.

Luckily for you, that's where the questions finished. It should have just been cast out of your mind, yet, Amber was always reliable and for her to say that maybe something was up. Why was everything happening so fast? Not just the mission but also generally... Jungkook soon brought you back to reality.
"Hey little boss, ready for tomorrow?"
You nodded, "a bit stressed but you know... Like I said to Amber, boss' orders"
He smiled but then he looked behind you causing his smile to fade.
He began to whisper, "Is something wrong with Yoongi?"
You looked confused at him, "why?"
"The way he looked at you in the brief and now with the way he's looking at you talking to me... He looks like he's undressing you with his eyes"
You were sure that you were blushing as your face's temperature rose dramatically. Biting your lip, you imagined exactly what the man behind you looked like. That new look, the same one you saw previously, plus how he acted earlier... maybe that's exactly what he was aiming to do.

"Well he's coming over" Jeon whispered.
You didn't dare look round and because of your nervousness, the pace of your speech quickened, "please Jeon just keep talking to me, don't let him interupt." The last thing you wanted at the moment was another encounter with Gigi. You didn't know if your heart could take it.
"Talk about what?" Jungkook quietly snapped.
"Anything!" You could just about hear his footsteps getting closer, "what the weather is like, how you think the mission will go, anything"
A pair of hands placed themselves lightly around your waist. You took in a sudden sharp breath and bit your lip. Giving Jungkook a pained look, your mind racing as you thought of what you could possibly say in this situation. How were you going to explain this? Jeon was already giving you an inquisitive look. Damn it, should you have told him earlier? Well, there was no real way to play it off now.

"What did you think of the brief?" Gigi asked Kook while leaning his head on your shoulder.
"Yeah, it was g-good yeah. Very..."
Jungkook gave you a smug look and so you glared back at him.
"Interesting!" And with that he slowly walked off, still keeping eye contact with you. Just before he went completely out of sight, he winked at you. That kid!
In an instance, soft lips attacked your neck. Thank goodness, you were the only two left in the room. After Jungkook witnessing Gigi's skinship with you, you didn't want any of the others snooping around.
"You know we've gotta prepare for the mission!" You stuttered.
He stopped kissing your neck but instead, moved so that you were facing him.
"You know we've got a while until we need to prepare" You knew exactly where this was going.

With your mind clouded, you let him. You let him talk you down. You let him carry you into his room. You let his lips almost violently meet yours. You allowed him to do whatever. It was absolutely fine with you, a pleasure to do so. Even though your heart was conflicted about how you felt towards him, you needed this. You needed this in the same way he did, for release.
This time you let him slide your top off fully as you explored each others' bodies. You soon got to know exactly how 'harsh' he could be. Biting your lip, going rough, it was a side to Yoongi that you liked. The angry side.
His words slipped into your head, "nothing's changed really has it?"
No. You still liked to see Yoongi angry, it excited you. For once, your thoughts had faded away from the mission and focused on the man before you. Making sure you watched his every move as though he put you in a state of awe.

Afterwards, you laid beside him, both of you still panting. Your head rested against his bare chest and your arm was wrapped around his hip, while his arms enveloped you into his embrace. Your ear was pressed up to his chest so his heart beat echoed through your ears. It was fast but was gradually slowing down. It was obvious that he felt the same way to you that you did to him.
Was it love? Was this just a one time thing? You couldn't tell but you had to find out.
"Yes sweetie"
The way he said 'sweetie' was unlike any way he had said it before. It was filled with love and sincereness rather than some ironic sarcasm.
"Do you love me?"
"Urm... Why do you ask?"
He was avoiding the question.
"Do you love me?"
He paused... "Yeah. I do."
A smile formed on your face. He did! He did love you. He could have loved you for some time now but the fact that he said he loved you sent you over the moon.
"What about you, do you love me?" He asked. Oh, now you'd sound like a hypocrite for not knowing, but that was the truth. You didn't know for definite.
"Weirdly, I have no idea."
You lifted your head to look up at him from the position you were in. The proximity was nothing new at this point but it still took your breath away in amazement.
"I don't know I mean I used to hate you but now.. Now I can't seem to stay away from you"
Mentally, you face palmed. Did you really just say that out loud? Why couldn't you just stay here in Yoongi's embrace rather than go out on some stupid mission - unfortunately, you had no choice in the matter.

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