Chapter 20

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It was a long time since the raid and since you had settled into Woozi's company. While the nightmares still occurred, it was happening less often which was a good sign. You were laid off from missions for a while, giving you and Gigi some quality time to do whatever. Exploring the city, doing some fitness, going on dates, you name it. The time off was a much needed relief and got you to some form of normality you had never experienced before. Then it was back to work. Woozi assured you that you'd be eased in along with any of the other workers experiencing any trauma.
The first big mission you went on was meeting with an ally of Woozi's and trading weaponry and information as well as a bit of money. The team was small as the task was fairly simple - Yoongi, who lead the team, Hoshi, Jungkook and you. The dream team of four. It ran without a hitch, making it 100 times easier and Hoshi even treated you all to lunch on the way back. Good old takeaways.

It amped up a bit when you were asked to take out this dude that Chan had reported a few weeks back. He was attempting to sell drugs to underage people and had a general creepy demeanour. Chan apparently found out about him when he wandered into reception of the building and asked where the toilets were. Let's just say he left a lasting impression. Changbin was tasked with the actual killing but Jungkook and you were to assist him as backup. At first, it was scary going out without Yoongi but you knew Jungkook had your back.
Once Changbin had pulled the trigger, images softly flashed in your mind of your father's corpse but it didn't scare you as much as you thought; more haunting than anything. Jungkook reassured you until you got back to Yoongi.

There had been some new recruits at the company as well as those few trainees who were taken back with us after a good convincing. You bonded with a few of them over all of you having worked for your father at some point. This younger guy Jeongin was terrified when he first joined and had a hard time because of your father, so the raid really put him into perspective. Him and his older brother figure, Hyunjin, were both much stronger now and happily took care of office aspects rather than being out in the field. It definitely suited them more.
Woozi was very approachable the entire time. He always reassured you that you could decline a mission if it was too much for you and even offered a counsellor at one point but you happily declined, Yoongi did a pretty good job at helping you.

It was one sunny day when you decided to go out for a little trip. You were walking down the street with a bunch of flowers in your hand. A variety, a couple of roses, some lavender, you simply found the best selection. Immediately, you turned into the cemetery and stopped by a double grave. It was a dark grey and shaped more rectangular than square. You made sure the flowers were in a presentable position and then you sat down in front of the gravestone.
"I bought you two these... Thought you might like them."
"I know you may not have wanted to be buried together but I didn't really get a say in anything to change that. Anyway, you are married."
Still nothing.
"I've been doing well, I mean, Woozi has assured me some security and I've settled in nicely there!"

Speaking to them was somewhat reassuring. Despite the silence in return, it was nice to speak freely like that.
Behind you, you could hear footsteps coming in your direction and your face lit up.
"Oh yeah, I want to introduce you to someone. You already know him but now you can know him better"
Gigi approached you and crouched down beside you, "what are you doing?"
"Introducing you to my parents. Mum, dad, this is my boyfriend, Yoongi."
Gi looked over at you weirdly but just accepted your little antics. By now, he knew what made you happy and what didn't and so he was always trying his best to keep you as content as possible. If this was one of those ways, you knew he'd partake.
"Hello, Mr and Mrs. Y/L/N. Don't worry, I'm keeping a good eye on Y/N for you."
He adjusted the flowers slightly which make the bouquet look much better.
"Thank you!" You whispered in his ear.

You stayed there for a moment longer, taking in the peace and treasuring this time you had with the both of them. Yoongi lightly tapped your shoulder and offered to help you up. The pair of you walked out of the graveyard with your hands intertwined together. Tears were roaming on your eyelids but didn't end up running down your face. You were stronger now, Yoongi made you stronger.
"I think your mum liked me!"
You smiled and let a small laugh escape your lips, "yeah, I think she does."
If your mother had gotten a chance to meet Yoongi, especially as your boyfriend, you were sure the two would get along nicely. She was a woman who rejoiced over the happiness of others and so you were sure she'd be happy for you.

You headed back to the base, ready to talk to Woozi about your next job.
At the end of the day, your father had trained you and you didn't want it to go to waste. Yet, your mother craved for you to have a normal life. It was the only fight they had that you were present for. At the time you didn't understand the weight of what they were arguing about but just wanted to keep the peace. Somehow amongst all of that, you wanted to have a mixture of both of their hopes in your life. Some work with some normality. Would that even be possible? It could always be something you could mention to Yoongi and then see what Woozi has to say. Even a desk job... you'd never liked the idea of a desk job when you were younger but maybe it was a good career chance. Stay in the company but less field work, you could work with Jeongin and Hyunjin. Who knows? Best not mention it now, this is field work time.

"Sources say that Jun is back on the loose and I want to have a talk with him. So, I want to send a team to retrieve him for me. I'm not sure what kind of state he will be in, he's been in hiding for quite some time now." Woozi make everything clear. Jun? Really? You wondered about what Woozi wanted with him but it wouldn't kill you to see your friend again. He offered for you to take charge. The offer was placed that you could decline if it was too much for you. Boldly, you accepted the responsibility and said that you'd happily lead the team. Woozi still looked a tad uncertain and so came up with a solution.
"You can lead the team with Yoongi!" You smiled at Woozi's suggestion and looked over at Yoongi.
"Nothing changes really, does it Gigi!"

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