Chapter 16

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Yoongi led you into the massive training facility that Woozi owned. It wasn't as big as the one you were used to but then again it looked better than your father's one. Immediately, you headed to the shooting section.
"Same old Y/N, guns first"
You picked up a rifle and aimed it at the dummy located around 60 metres from you. The bullet launched from the barrel to the middle of the red circle located on the dummy's chest.
You noticed 2 more circles on the dummy, one in the centre of the head and one in the stomach. With the rifle still held up to your face, you fired two more bullets that hit the spots perfectly.
"Your turn now Gigi, beat that"
He smirked at you teasing him.
"I can do it with my eyes closed"
"Go on then"
His laugh died down at your comment, "fine"

Yoongi's perspective~

He lined himself up and got the rifle comfortably in his grip. Once he was happy with his aim, he gradually shut his eyes and fired.
"Damn!" She seemed impressed.
He opened his eyes to find that he had shot exactly in the centre of the heart.
"Don't act so surprised, I did that last time when I was looking at you remember?"
She nodded. He felt the same amount of satisfaction in that moment as he did stood right in front of you now. Things hadn't changed too much overall.
"What next?" He asked. You shrugged but he noticed something in the distance. It was something that Y/L/N never had in his training facility. He automatically wanted to try it out, new tech was always fascinating to him.
"What?" Y/N asked. She could obviously see his excitement.
"Let's do the virtual reality scenarios!"

Your perspective~

Virtual reality? As you walked over to where Yoongi headed, you noticed a sign on the wall.
'A virtual reality simulation that goes through real life scenarios. Tests your mental stability. Created by Woozi '
Was this really the best idea? You worried that you weren't as mentally stable as before. This was mainly as a result of finding out your father's true intentions.
Yoongi's face was plastered on the window looking in, you were the only one to notice Woozi come over to the pair of you.
"I use this on all my trainees and workers. Instead of just talking about possible scenarios and what to do in them, you actually face them in the virtual reality. Y/L/N's methods of teaching survival skills were always lost on me."
"Can I go first?" Yoongi pleaded.
He was just like a little kid wanting to play with a new toy, so cute. Woozi unlocked the doors and he strode in.
"Stand in the centre, me and Y/N will watch your progress"

Yoongi's perspective~

And with that the room darkened. The doors and walls went from see through to misty. He could no longer see Y/N but at least he knew she was watching.
"Name..." The computer spoke
"Min Yoongi."
"Welcome Yoongi, this simulation is to test your mental stability and general survival skills. If at any time you wish to leave the simulation please say 'I quit' and you will be able to leave. Please pick up the equipment to your left, you will need it throughout"
There was a spotlight on a rack of weapons. He grabbed the belt and fastened it with 2 handguns and a knife.
The lights then raised so that he could see walls around him. He was in some sort of maze.
"The objective to this is to get the USB at the centre of the maze, you may kill whoever you need to get to the USB. Remember, choose who you trust wisely"

And with that, he was running. Corner after corner, left then right then right again. He changed his direction in order to get to the centre. Suddenly there were footsteps which caused him to slow down. He cautiously stepped around the corner and fired a shot at the figure. There was no bullet come out yet the figure fell down.
'It's a simulation Yoongi, of course there's no bullets'
He kept going, shooting any figure that looked like a threat. He eventually got to the centre and saw the USB stick on a little podium. He strode towards it when he heard a gun click.

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