Chapter 15

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You opened the door to your room to find a topless Yoongi laid on the bed, his attention drawn to his phone. Even after waking up from slumber, wow did he look stunning. From what you could hear, he was playing piano tiles.

"Present from Jeon!" You called as you threw the condom to Gigi. The little packet landed on his shoulder and he looked down at it with a confused expression.
"Present huh?" He realised what it was.
You raised your eyebrows as you went to sit next to him on the bed. You slowly ran your fingers up his torso and stopped when you reached his chin.
"Wanna use it then?" You whispered seductively.
His attention was still on his phone, "nah, can't be asked tonight"
His monotone really got to you, he didn't seem to have that much energy but that didn't stop you from teasing him.

"Babe, come on." You whined before kissing his cheek lightly. He didn't move. You started to kiss his neck in an attempt to get his attention. He wasn't playing your game.
"Darling, I'm really just not up to it tonight, I'm sorry!"
Fine, if he didn't want to, he didn't want to. You didn't want to pester him more but you at least wanted some attention and so cuddled into his side.
"What song are you trying to play?"
His fingers were rapidly tapping away trying to keep up with the stream of keys.
"I don't remember, I just clicked on a random one but it's quite quick"
You sniggered, "I can see that"
Just as you had gotten comfy, something sharp was digging into your arm causing you to move. Ah yes, the condom.

"Should I give this back to Jeon?" You asked innocently, holding the package by his phone so he knew what you were talking about. His eyes briefly fluttered at it and then back to his screen.
"If it's still in date I don't see why we can't keep it? Safety first hey?"
You turned the packet round and looked for that small detail.
"It's still got a year on it"
Yoongi hummed in a surprised tone and so you questioned what he meant by that.
"Knowing Jeon, I'm surprised that he still had any in date"
A small laugh escaped your lips. You knew he was implying that Jungkook didn't have sex often but you didn't necessarily want to find out the answer to that, even if he was your best friend.
Once Yoongi missed a tile, he nudged your arm asking if you wanted to play. You did attempt it but was nowhere near as good as him - maybe he just had a talent for playing the piano.

You snuggled into his side and his warmth was lulling you into a deep sleep. It was morning when you next awoke and you were still between Yoongi's arms. You looked up at the man with so much admiration, inspecting all his features while he remained peaceful. Ruining the peaceful moment, your phone vibrated.

Text from Woozi - I hope you didn't tire each other out! x

You weren't sure what to think of this, maybe he heard that Jungkook had given you a condom. There was no real reason why he would know. Also, why did he need to tale an interest anyway?

You: no, not really, we had a chill evening
Woozi: and you've only just woken up?
You: yeah, got a good rest, why d'you ask?
Woozi: heard that Kookie gave you a little gift for you and Min... That's all.
You: what's to say that we've used it.
Woozi: what's to say that I thought it was a condom?
You: ...
Woozi: haha gotcha.
You: whatever, is there anything else you wanted?
Woozi: just checking up on you, making sure you're still ok with the raid.
You: thanks but I am 100% sure
He read the text but didn't reply.

Woozi was a strange guy. Yes, he was now your boss but that had gave him no rights into your private life.
"Sweetie~" Yoongi's soft voice called out. His hair was ruffled in every which way and his voice had gone an octave lower than normal.
"Mhmmmm..." You groaned, your voice wasn't used to speaking just yet.
"What time is it?"
"It's midday Gigi. We've been asleep for the whole morning"

You stiffly pushed yourself up and he mirrored your movements.
"When's the raid again?" Your throat was a bit sore and so your voice was slightly lower than usual too.
He yawned before slumping back down and pulling the covers almost over his face, you could only just hear his response.
"We're leaving at 7 darling, we don't have to get ready quite yet"
Nudging him slightly, you tried to motivate both him and yourself to actually be productive. You brushed your hair but hadn't quite had the energy to get dressed yet. Despite his reluctance, Yoongi followed suit.

Player ~ Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now