Chapter 18

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The gun fire slowed down as fewer men were firing. Taeil turned to you and whispered, "head upstairs with a group, we can take it down here!" You nodded and gathered Hoshi, Jungkook and Yoongi. Together, you snuck out the room and stormed up the stairs. There were a few guards outside the office door but they were soon taken out.
"Damn!" Yoongi muttered, "door's locked"
You looked over at Hoshi, "leave it to Hosh, he can break locks easily"
You moved yourself and Yoongi back as Hoshi repeatedly shot the door. You broke open the door and held up your guns to the two guards stood either side of your father's desk. Hoshi slammed the door shut and guarded it. Didn't need anyone barging in on this.

"Why don't we put the guns down hey?" A voice called out. The chair turned round and revealed your father. His tone as cold as ice and the chills were certainly running down your arms.
"4 of you right? And let me guess Woozi sent you?"
You all remained motionless, still aiming at the guards.
"I knew that little bastard was up to no good."
You shot the first guard in the leg. No one else dared to move from the tension.
"Now, now. I'd at least like to see what idiots are working under him nowadays"
Nothing. You had been instructed to keep quiet or hidden until absolutely necessary and you certainly weren't going to follow your father anymore.
"Fine, shoot them!" He ordered. Except, Yoongi got there first and shot both men in under a second.
Once they fell to the floor, Jungkook and Yoongi lowered their guns. They knew that you wanted to be the one to shoot him. You wandered over to him and punched him square in the jaw then pushed him to the floor.
There you were towering above your father. He was on his knees with his head tilted up slightly so every now and then he would capture your gaze.

"I'd at least like to know the person shooting me!" He spat. His voice like venom and you knew now was the right time; you had him right where you wanted him. The defence had put up a good fight but there was no escaping this.
You removed the face mask but kept a stern gaze at him, even when his facial features softened.
"Y/N, sweet-"
"Don't call me that you traitor!"
Now was the chance for your words to sting. The man below you thought he knew you inside out but most importantly thought you were dead or that you didn't know about his twisted plot.
"Traitor? I'm your father."
"So, doesn't stop you from being an absolute dick."
He looked confused, your father's acting was so terrible it was untrue.
"Was had that little scamp Woozi told you?"
"That you wanted my team and I killed."
He stuttered, "why would I want that?"

There was no way you were believing him. Too many lies had been told and now was the time for the truth, whatever it was.
"You tell me"
"Don't call me that!" You shouted. The only person you were happy with calling you that now was Yoongi. It may have originated fr your father but he didn't have the right anymore for any kind of endearment.
"Y/N, you know of Woozi's mind games
I'm sure, how do you know this isn't one now?"

The fear that you could be on the wrong side yet again arose. There wasn't an easy way to answer that. Xiumin worked for Woozi and he wanted to escape, it had haunted you for sure. Lies and truth had been flung around recently like it wasn't important but knowing reality is what kept you grounded surely. This man had raised you to kill. He had raised you to fight and taught you what he knows but it was only temporary. The plans to kill you and your team were pretty clear and the evidence was solid. There was only one way you could tell whether you were on the right side or not.
"Why did you kill my mother?"
"Is that what Woozi told you?"
Please. This had to be the way to find out the truth for sure. No matter how much it hurt.
"He did, he told me you wanted us dead and that you killed my mother so tell me if its true. You know I'm a good shot from a close distance, so answer my question."

Although you didn't want to admit it, your father did know you well. He was well aware what you were capable of as he had been the one to look over your records and training. Your determination wouldn't stop you.
His expression suddenly got more aggressive, "killing you and killing her - that's different, she deserved it."
You stayed quiet but your grip on the gun got stronger.
"I wanted a son but that bitch gave me a weak-ass daughter instead"

There was silence as you took in every word. Your mother had died a long time ago and this was why, he'd only kept her around to get a male heir. In his mind, his business agenda, that's all he cared for. Yoongi was his favourite as he considering him a good heir, because you were a girl. Because he thought that would weaken the company. He killed the person he claimed to love out of business. This man that you loved was colder than you expected. He was a traitor and traitors get their punishment.
You felt everyone's eyes suddenly look over at you as your finger twitches at the trigger. He had raised you and trained you, this was merely too ironic.
"Go to hell!" You uttered through gritted teeth as your index finger pulled the trigger. Your eyes didn't falter as you saw the kneeling man's body flop to the floor and a pool of blood engulf him. The heartless eyes drained from life and you had sought revenge. He was dead. Your father was dead - and you had killed him. Somewhere deep down there was a sense of sorrow. He was your only close relative you had left but not anymore. Yet, it was overrun by a sense of justice for your mother and overall accomplishment.

You remained in that position until a soft hand touched your shoulders. Yoongi.
"Y/N, just step back alright?"
You did as he said and took in the situation. You'd just made yourself an orphan! Memories swarmed your head.

~"Daddy, look I'm riding a bike!" Your father looked on with a proud smile as you raced round the path, balancing perfectly~

~"where'd you get that Y/N?"
"My dad bought me this phone!" For a long time your father hadn't liked the idea of your getting your own phone but felt that you were now responsible enough. That fact alone made you happy.~

~ "I'm so proud of you sweetie"
As you grew older, he said it less often. So when he did say those words, it made you extremely happy. He was a proud single parent~

~"you passed the induction test, you're going to be part of my company"
At first you didn't know what sort of business your father ran but after seeing your skills at kickboxing, which you enjoyed at school, your father opened up to you and asked if you wanted to trial being in his company. It shocked you but you agreed. You wanted to make him proud and knew you could use those skills to help him out to make him prouder.~

~"this is Min Yoongi sweetie"
He was a boy your age and a trainee as well. The boy seemed nice and you'd become friends. He was your first friend in the company and at the time you'd hoped you'd always be friends. Your father was proud of both of you and so often had you train together, liking that you were buddies.~

~"you will lead the team alongside Yoongi"
It didn't seem that long ago but he'd sent Yoongi to protect you and it had completely changed your world. At the time it was annoying but a vital step into who you were now.~

The man, that had been part of your life since the start, was laying motionless in front of you. And you killed him.
It was sinking in even more now.
The tears started to fall as Gigi embraced you, "it's okay Y/N!"
"No it's not Gi, he was my only family left!"
"Don't... I'll be your family"
His words comforted you so you almost forgot about the corpse laying by your feet.

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