Extra 1: More Training?

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A/N: thank you for 500 reads it may not seem like a lot but it makes me really happy and hope you're all enjoying this story whether it's your first read or a re read!
I might do a few short extras for this rather than a sequel.


One bullet in the head.
Five in the stomach.
Two in the heart.

"You might be slacking there sweetie"
You looked over to see Yoongi's smug face as his target board looked a lot better than yours.
"Just because we're dating Gigi does not mean I'm going easy on you"

Everything was kind of at a normal state. Well as normal as it could be with Woozi as your head of command.
He was more lenient with you than Y/L/N was but still strict at times. The best thing that came of his leadership was that he allowed you and Yoongi to live away from the compound around its outskirts in your own home.
It was designed and built especially for you and made life a bit more homely shall we say.

It had been just over a year since Yoongi had asked you to officially be his girlfriend and yet the pair of you still teased one another the same as before. A bit of healthy competition was never a bad thing.
"Tell you what, if you win against me next round I'll do the dishes tonight, if not they're all yours", he smirked.
You cocked your hair to the side, willing to take up the offer if it meant getting out of the chore you hated the most.
"Fine, eat my dust"
He winked and stated, "I'd prefer to eat something else sweetie", before reloading the gun ready for the deciding round.

Four shots to the head.
Three to the heart.
One on the arm.

The shot to the arm was a misfire but it did manage to hit it pretty accurately despite that. You smiled to yourself, it was at least an improvement on last time. Peaking your head round the corner, you focused on Yoongi's target board.

Six shots to the head.
Two to the heart.
No misses.

Guess you were doing the dishes after all. He didn't even need to say anything as the look on his face when you approached him was the smuggest you'd seen it yet.
"Next time higher stakes" you raised an eyebrow while pointing a finger at him.
"Ah, you wanna lose more, sure thing"

"Quiet recruits"
A different voice entered the comfortable atmosphere of you and Gigi. Woozi.
He'd changed since you met him first; he could still be respectful and caring but you'd seen a darker side to him, witnessed the baggage under his eyes get heavier the more responsibility he had.
"What's the status with the team?"
He'd asked you and Gigi to put together a small but effective team for the next mission but there were no details as of yet.
Yoongi was the first to speak, "well we chose Jungkook and new recruits Dawon, Felix and Hwiyoung"
Woozi sniggered to himself, "you want to put new recruits out onto the field"

Woozi had a tendency recently to place doubts into your choices, none of them had turned out to be bad but for some reason unknown to either of you, mr boss man wasn't happy. You were definitely not his favourite anymore, if you ever were to begin with.
"With all due respect," you started, "the recruits are more than ready, they've got the best training and with us and Jungkook as-"
"You?" Woozi interrupted.
Gigi and you both looked at each other confused for a moment before turning back round.
"I don't understand Wooz" Yoongi protested.
Your boss rubbed a hand over the bridge of his nose before putting both hands into his pockets.
"I asked you two to pick a team, that didn't mean you were going on the mission"
This was the first mission in a long time that you were denied from going to. The first mission Woozi denied you from going to in fact. Before it was your choice to decline them. Once you were fitter, it became routine that he would always sent you and Yoongi as he knew you were some of the best people he had. Now... now doubts slipped your mind.

"Do you mind me asking sir if there's any reason why that is?" You tried to remain professional but you were definitely low key pissed at him.
"Give you two some time off I need my best recruits to stay the best not tire them out all the time" was his response.
Was it genuine? Who knew. His poker face didn't give anything away as to whether it was a lie or truth. He'd taken on a lot of new workers and the fall of the old company you worked had ended up making a lot more work in the long run.

Woozi dismissed you and Gigi from the training facility. Guess it just wasn't your time after all. There was nothing much you could do but at least you'd have some free time.
"Don't think this means you can get out of doing the dishes" Yoongi whispered in your ear before placing a kiss on your cheek and heading to pick up his stuff from the lockers.
At least you always had your Gigi by your side.

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