Chapter 8

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You walked out of Yoongi's room only dressed in one of his oversized shirts that he brought for night time. The shirt was great not only because it was comfy but because it was drenched in his scent and you had to admit it was a smell that you were learning to love.
It would have been easier for Gigi to go out to get a drink rather than you go yourself though, especially at this point in time. To your dismay, a surprised Jinyoung was stood by the door.

"New look there, boss lady?"
You blushed as you looked down as to how short the shirt was on you. It wasn't too bad actually - middle ish of the thigh.
"Just came to get some water Jinnie, that's all" Grabbing a cup, you filled it up to the top with water for you and Yoongi to share. You were going to head back to his room when Jinyoung stopped you again.
"You two fucking or what?"
You were taken back by his comment, he never usually said things as spontaneously as this. Especially something that private, the bluntness was definitely a shock in this case.
"What? Me and Gi? Why?"
"Don't worry, if you like I won't tell the others. I think some may already have guessed."
"Like who?"
"Jungkook of course"
You blushed even more. Had your team really guessed? It wasn't necessarily that discreet in the briefing and then if you were smart enough Plus last night, you certainly hadn't held back. Did they hear? That's embarrassing if they did!

Eventually, you left Jinyoung's presence, telling him that it was private and he wasn't to spread anything. You returned to Yoongi's side with the cup in hand and passed it over to him.  The boy quickly slurped it up, obviously needing it; he looked shattered still!
"Jinyoung flipping caught me getting this water so you better be grateful!"
He left about 3 centimetres of water left for you, "so, what does it matter?"
Ah yes, Yoongi had always been reasonably nonchalant about things like this.
"Well, I'm not sure the best thing going around the team is that the leaders of the operation are fucking each other"
He shrugged, "I don't see anything wrong with that, at least they'd know we aren't at each other's throats" he paused and cleared his throat, "well not in the way they'd normally think"
You did a spit take. Really? Yet another time today, people's words surprised you.
You could've really done with that water as well! There was a few dribbles on the shirt you wore, so you lightly dabbed it with your thumb and index finger.

"Don't worry babe, it's only water" Gigi reassured you. 'Babe'? It didn't sit right, he'd called you sweetie for some time now. So, hearing him call you 'babe' made you cringe.
"Don't call me 'babe' please.. 'sweetie' is fine" After your comment, he leant forward and took a handful of the shirt you were wearing in his hand.
"Sorry, sweetie. Also, there's no way of hiding what we did, you're wearing my shirt after all, you'll soon smell of me"
Was his scent really rubbing off? You wouldn't have minded if it was, his scent was one of your favourites.
"Fair enough. Just please don't brag to the others. As much as you don't like me saying it, we've got to keep some kind of professionalism on this mission"
He rolled his eyes, he obviously hated how focused on the mission you were.
You both knew each other well, even better now that you'd shared such intimacy. Also, you trusted each other more and you could certainly rely on him more nowadays.
"Screw professionalism, I don't care even if the world knows that we've been to bed together. Can't I tell the world about the woman I love?"
It was a sweet gesture but now was not the time. You shook your head, "not yet!"
"Why not?"
"Just.. Not yet. Get the mission out of the way, then I can be completely yours for the rest of your life if you like"

He smirked. "Oh... Oh yes. You aren't going to be anyone else's except from mine" He began to kiss your neck again. You playfully pushed him back, "not now. This isn't round 2"
He grinned, "I wish it was!"
How was it possible that he could make your cheeks heat up so easily? It was like his superpower.
You flopped on his bed as he laid down beside you. "So, what do you wanna know?" You asked. He had suggested that you two properly get to know each other. "Anything and everything"
"Well my favourite colour is [your fave colour], I was born on [Your DOB] and I'm an only child. Hence why my father wanted me to join the organisation. He's always mention it but my mother told me to choose whatever I wanted."
"Where's your mum now?"
No matter how long it had been you always had to try to stop your eyes from getting blurry, "she's dead, Yoongi."
He pulled you close so that his warmth surrounded you. "She'd be proud, I'm sure"
You forced yourself to laugh, "what that we had sex?" He chuckled at your sarcastic response, "you know what I mean, silly"
Your hand slid down his arm, that he'd placed around you, until you reached his hand and intertwined your fingers with his.
"What about you then Gigi?"
"I was born on March 9th 1993, my favourite colour is white and I love Basketball. My family are cool, siblings... Haven't seen my brother in ages"

That's all he said. Nothing more. You thought about asking more but it became clear that he didn't have much to do with his family nowadays. Apparently, he hadn't seen his parents in at least 2 months. It was weird to you but then again you saw your father like everyday. You watched as Yoongi got into his outfit for the mission. A black vest, probably bulletproof, and a loose black jacket. He slid on a belt which had a holder for his shotgun and shoved some black Timberlands on.
"Go on then," he motioned to you, "you've gotta get ready as well"
You nodded but beckoned him to follow you. Unfortunately he just stayed put, "you're the one who doesn't want everyone to know about us, yet, you want me to come into your room. Someone's bound to notice sweetie"
At this moment, you really didn't care. You'd just seen him change and now you wanted to him to watch you dress so you were even.

You sulkingly walked to your room and put on your outfit. A black tank top with a tight fitting bomber jacket which was a dark shade of khaki. You wore skinny black jeans and knee high black converse which luckily had black laced to match. Tying your hair up in a high ponytail, you eyed over at your version of Yoongi's belt. The shot gun was laying next to it. You picked it up and loaded up. Enough bullets to last you the day if worse came to worse and a few extras.
You left the room and made sure you had everything. Check.
A few of your team mates had already headed into the vans except Yoongi who wanted to stay behind. He made sure that all of his team were present.
"They're all in the vans sweetie"
You slowly exited the building with Yoongi and got into the first van.
Jungkook and Jinyoung were also in there, Gigi was driving. Great, you could feel both of them look from you to Yoongi and back. Why did it have to be the two who knew for almost definite that you and Yoongi were romantically involved, shall we say? Interrogation about you two was surely going to take place at some point.

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