Chapter Two

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Madison's P.O.V

I looked up at Harry. His eyes were filled with want.

He smirked.

"It's time for you to be marked," he said and dragged me out of his room. He took me back down into the basement. He took me into a different room. In the middle of the room was a steel table with leather restraints bolted into it.

I started to shake as Harry strapped me down to the table.

"Pl-please don't hurt me Harry," I whimpered.

He smirked. "Oh, love, this isn't an option. Everyone has to know you're mine," he said and stroked my cheek. "It'll be over before you know it,"

He picked up a tattoo needle. He began to ink my right shoulder. It was painful. Almost too painful. Tears streamed down my face as he marked me. I tried to stay strong but it was no use. When he was done, he backed away and smiled. He picked up a mirror so I could see what he did. He had tattooed the letters H.S. into my skin. I looked at him in shock.

"Aww, don't look at me like that," he said. "It's beautiful. All the other girls here have them,"

I shut my eyes, trying to hold back my tears.

"Now," Harry said standing up and unstrapping me. "We'll go back to your room and go over the rules. Then I'll have the girls bring you some food and keep you company. Tomorrow we'll give you a tour of the house,"

He helped me up off the table. "Sound good?"

I didn't answer.

Harry grabbed my hair and pulled it. "Rule number one," he hissed. "Speak when spoken to,"

"Y-yes Harry, it sounds good," I whimpered. He let go of my hair.

"Good girl," he said. He dragged me back to the room I woke up in. He handcuffed my leg back to the pipe. He sat down crosslegged in front of me.

"Okay, Madison, th-"

"How do you know my name?" I said cutting him off. I regret that decision. He slapped me hard across the face.

"Don't interrupt me!" he spat.

I nodded clutching my cheek.

"It's not important how I know your name," he said. "Now, you have simple rules to follow. Not following your rules will result in punishment. Do you understand?"

I nodded. "Yes Harry,"

"Your rules are simple. You speak when spoken to. You follow your orders. You don't try to escape. You belong to me," he said. "Now, the other boys and I are a gang, one of the most dangerous ones in fact. The name is unimportant to you. We don't really ever leave here. Yes, we have multiple weapons and no, we aren't afraid to kill. I won't hesitate to kill such a pretty girl such as yourself," he said cupping my cheek. "Do you understand,"

"Yes," I whispered.

He smiled. "Good. I'll send the girls down with something to eat and a few blankets to keep you warm. Once I know I can trust you, you will have your own room," he said. He stood up and left, leaving me alone again.

Once he was gone, I started to cry. It finally hit me that this wasn't some stupid prank. I'm screwed. I have no one who would come looking for me. I lived alone. My parents hardly talked to me anymore. I was truly stuck here, wherever here is.

The stinging in my shoulder didn't help either. That tattoo would be there forever. I was Harry's forever. Why would he want me? I'm not anything special.

I was shaken from the thoughts when I heard the door open. It was Maddie and Shelby. Maddie held a small plate of food and Shelby held some blankets and a first aid kit. They both looked at me with pity.

"Oh Madison," Maddie said and sat down beside me and put her hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay,"

I looked at her. "How is this going to be okay? I'm trapped here with an evil monster," I sobbed.

"Harry isn't all that bad," Shelby said sitting next to me. "He's really sweet and caring. I've been here long enough to see that side of him,"

"H-how long have you been here?" I asked her.

"Five years. Louis got me when I was thirteen," she said.

"Oh that's horrible," I said.

"It was in the beginning. I was really rebellious and tried to escape so many times. That's what got me whipped, but I noticed something in Louis. After he had whipped me, he couldn't bare to look at me," she said. "He was so ashamed at what he did. He was in love with me, but he knew what had to be done,"

"What about you?" I asked turning to Maddie.

"I've been here three years," she said. "It's really the same as Shelby said. I've been whipped for trying to escape, but Liam was so heartbroken. These scars aren't from him," she said pointing to the scars on her arms and legs. "I was kidnapped by a rival gang and they tortured me for information. Of course I would never betray these boys,"

Shelby opened the first aid kit. "We need to clean the tattoo, so it won't get infected," she said and started to clean the tattoo with a sterile whip and then wrapped it in gauze.

"Why would he tattoo me?" I asked them.

"To prove a point," Maddie said softly.

"What point?"

"You won't ever need to find out," Shelby said. "If you're lucky,"


Hiya! Thanks for reading! I feel like chapter is a little boring, but it's gonna get better! Pinky promise! Thanks for reading! Lots of love! :)

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