Chapter Three

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Madison's P.O.V

Shelby and Maddie stayed with me for a while. I ate the food they had given me and then wrapped up in the blankets. I kept thinking about what they had said. What did they mean by prove a point? I was so utterly scared. What if Harry kills me? I guess that would be better than being stuck like this.

I was curled up on the floor, wrapped in blankets. They really didn't give me much warmth. I'd kill for a bed. I want my bed. I want my house. I want my clothes.

I couldn't tell what time it was. I'm pretty sure it was early in the morning. I hadn't slept all that well.

I jumped when I heard the door open. I brushed my hair out of my face. Harry stood in the doorway. He smirked.

"Good morning love," he said. "Sleep well?"

I shook my head. "I wish I had a bed," I said weakly.

Harry walked forward and knelt next to me. He brushed a strand of my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. "Soon angel," he said. "Just be a good girl and you will have one,"

I looked down at the cold concrete floor. "Harry, may I take a shower?"

"Of course," he said and went to unlock the handcuff on my ankle. He helped me up and took me to the bathroom. He stepped outside and locked the door. At least he stayed out. I took off the clothes I wore yesterday. I unwrapped the gauze from my arm. The tattoo stuck out against my pale skin. It would be there forever.

I stepped into the shower. The warm water instantly warmed my cold skin. Once I finished, I got out and dried off. I looked around the tiny bathroom. On the wall were a few shelves with neatly folded clothes on them. They were all the same clothes I had on yesterday. It was like our uniform.

I threw on the clothes and brushed my hair. I didn't bother doing anything with it. I knocked on the door and Harry opened it. He smirked when he saw me. He trailed his fingers over my shoulder, tracing the tattoo.

"All mine," he muttered.

I didn't want to give in so quickly. I didn't want to accept what I've been dragged into. I would fight him. I'm not his. I belong to no one. As soon as I see a chance to escape, I will.

Harry ran is fingers through my hair. "Let's give you a tour hmm?" He said and took my wrist.

He pulled me up the stairs. He showed me the living room and kitchen. He took me up stairs and showed me the bedrooms.

"You don't go in anyone's room without my permission. Understand?" Harry said as he walked me back down the stairs.

I nodded. "Yes Harry,"

He smiled and kissed my forehead. What I felt shocked me. I felt sparks, like his kiss sent electricity through me. I kind of liked it. No! I can't love this monster.

"Good girl," Harry said. "Why don't we watch a movie?"

"O-okay," I stuttered. Harry didn't seem like the person you could just hang out and watch a movie with.

Harry sat me down on the sofa and started a movie. I tried to sit as far away from him as possible. He noticed and pulled my onto his lap. He moved my hair away from my neck and kissed it gently.

"Don't be scared of me, love," he whispered, his warm breath tickling my neck. We sat like that for the rest of the movie. The movie was just about to end when Harry moved me from his lap.

"I'm going to the bathroom," he said. "I'm trusting you to stay put,"

I nodded and he left. This was my chance. It was dark outside, so I would have the cover of night. I didn't try to reason with myself, I went for it. I got up and quietly made my way to the door. I had to hurry.

I opened the door and ran as fast as I could. I didn't bother to look back, I just needed to get as far away from there as possible. The area around the house was dense woodland. I had no clue where I was. Maybe I could find a road and that would get me somewhere.

I started to slow down. I stopped to catch my breath. I leant against a big tree. I don't think anyone followed me. Before I knew what was happening, I was shoved hard against the tree. I felt a gun being pressed to my stomach.

A dark figure stood in front of me. It was too dark to see the persons face.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in our territory?" the person snickered. It was a male. It wasn't Harry.

"Oh," the man said. He ran his fingers over my tattoo. "So your Harry's new kitten, hm? You know, there's a pretty price over your head. I could be rich if I gave you to the right person,"

I shook with fear. This was a mistake, a horrible mistake.

"Or I could keep you for myself," he continued. "Such a pretty body like yours shouldn't go to waist,"

I was to afraid to scream, too afraid to do anything. I couldn't move, he had me pinned to the tree. He had a gun pointed at my stomach. I was screwed.

He forcibly kissed me. It was disgusting. I didn't kiss back at all. His hands travel all over my body. I tried to kick him away but he was too strong. I hated every moment of it.

Then I heard a gun shot, and the man fell off of me. I stood there shaking, tears running down my face. I then felt strong arms wrap around me, comforting me. I looked up at who it was. Harry.

He pressed my head against his chest. "I thought I lost you," I heard him whisper.


Thanks for reading! I'm sorry this story is starting off a little slow. Please stick around! It's going to get better! Thanks! Lots of love! :)

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