Chapter Twenty One

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Harry's P.O.V

It's been a week since we got Madison back. She hasn't woken up yet. Niall had patched her up and had given her something to help her sleep through the worst of it. She'd been through a lot. She had deep gashed on her arms and legs and even her stomach. Her skin was black and blue and looked so pale. The burns hurt me the most. They looked so painful and raw. Niall said she would recover physically, but I'm not so sure about mentally. I remember how Maddie was and it wouldn't surprise me if Madison responded the same way. She was probably scared to death. But I know my Madison, and my Madison is strong and will make it through this. I'll never let anything happen to her again. Ever. I'll protect her.

She was laying in my bed and I haven't left her side. I keep her hand in mine and squeeze every so often, just incase she might squeeze back. Niall didn't exactly know how long she would be out, but he said she'll wake up in time. I'd rather her be asleep for this. It must be painful. Niall also kept giving her pain medication, just incase for when she wakes up, it won't hurt as much. We were lucky. The burns weren't all that horrible and Niall was able to patch them up. The worst part was the cuts. Most, if not all of them, needed stitches. And now here Madison lays, wrapped up in layers upon layers of gauze.

Mallori and Maddie have been taking care of Madison too. They'll come in and make sure her bandages get changed and make sure none of the stitches have ripped. The night we brought Madison back, the two girls refused to leave Niall's side as he fixed Madison up. They even helped get her clean. They washed the blood of Madison's body and made sure her hair was clean and tangle free. Everyday they bring me something to eat. They know I'm not going to leave her side. I only do to shower, and during that time the two of them stay with Madison. I can't express how thankful I am for those girls.

I sat with Madison, gently rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb. I listened to her steady breathing. The sound was comforting. It let me know she was still here. I knew she'd be okay, but part of me feared she wouldn't.

I jumped when I heard the door open. I looked up and was surprised to see Liam walk in. I had expected Niall or one of the girls.

"Hey," he said sitting down carefully on the edge of the bed.

"Hey," I said with a small smile.

"How you holding up?" he asked.

"I'm okay," I said. "A bit stressed,"

He nodded and looked down at his hands. "I understand," he said. "I remember when Maddie was like this,"

"It hurts seeing her like this," I said looking up at Madison.

"I know. Seeing Maddie hurt felt like I got hit by a truck," he said, his voice sounding strained, like he was trying to hold back tears. Those memories must be too painful for him.

I reached over and placed my hand on his knee reassuringly. "It's okay. You don't have to talk about it if it's too painful,"

He shook his head and wiped his eyes. "No, it fine," he said clearing his throat. "But I originally came in here to give you advice,"

"Alright," I said sitting back. "Go for it,"

"If she is anything like Maddie, she'll be scared when she wakes up. She won't want you touch her, so be careful," he said. "But Harry, you have to be there for her. You'll have to check on her, make sure she's okay. She'll look for you for protection. She might have nightmares, and you'll need to be there to calm her down. That's how Maddie was, but everyone's a little different,"

I nodded. "Thank you Liam,"

"No problem," he said getting up. He clapped my shoulder and smiled. "She's going to be fine,"

"I know. She's a fighter,"

He laughed. "That she is," he said and walked out. That was nice of Liam. If anyone knows what I'm going through, he does.

I sighed and leant forward and rested my head on the edge of the bed, Madison's hand still in my hand. I kept listening to her breathing for a while, steady and even. But it was interrupted by a groan. I sat up quickly and looked at Madison.

"Madison?" I asked standing up.

She groaned and opened her eyes.

"Oh Madison!" I said and hugged her, but pulled away quickly. "I'm sorry Madison, you're probably in a lot of pain,"

Her eyebrows furrowed together and she looked confused.

"Who's Madison?"


Hi! Wow what a twist! I hope you're enjoying this, because I know I am. I hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks for reading! Lots of love! :)


Hey Madison! Did you like what I did there? :)

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