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The next month was chaotic, to say the least. We're all still healing from Zara's death and it hasn't been easy.
It still isn't, but we've come far.

During that month, Iris refused to come out of her room and barely ate. Ethan was the same, but he managed to eat something from time to time. Grayson was really worried about Iris and decided it was time they go somewhere, to take her mind off of everything.

They had been gone for three days before they came back. Iris started to come out of her room more, but barely spoke. During the time that Iris and Grayson had been gone, I looked after Ethan. I took him out to places where we hadn't been since we were young and I think he appreciated it because he finally managed to get some peace.

At the same time, everyone else was trying to heal as well. Eleonora was quiet as well, but she still made sure that everyone had ate. She looked after Angelo for most of the time, making sure he was fed and had got changed. As for me, I pushed back what I was feeling to make sure I could function throughout the day and care for everyone else as well, but my heart still felt empty and it hurt that Zara was no longer with us.
Matthias made sure that I was okay and always came to comfort me whenever I was feeling down. Marcello and the others got back to their usual duties, but the atmosphere in the villa was definitely quieter and dull.

While this was going on, we had also been planning Zara's funeral. I had been convincing Ethan to attend her funeral, but he had always refused. I never tried pushing him to attend, I didn't want to see him broken again, but I think that by him going, he'll sort of get the closure he needs.

"Okay Ethan, that's fine. The only reason I've kept on asking you is because I think it'll do some good for you little bro. Maybe, just maybe you'll be able to heal fully from attending today. If you don't want to, that's okay, no one is forcing you to come." I reassured him as he lay against the headboard, staring at the wall.

Today was the day of the funeral and we were about to leave in a few minutes. I decided to go to Ethan's room, last minute, and try convince him to come today.

"Thank you Caterina. You've done a lot for me." He said, reaching over to hug me.
"Anytime Ethan. I-. It just hurts to see you like that again." I confessed and he nodded slightly.
"I'll be going now, make sure to eat something. I've made some lasagna, it's still in the oven so it's warm. Even if you're not hungry, please at least eat something small." I make sure that he agrees before leaving.

I make my way downstairs, Matthias standing at the end of the stairs, waiting for me.
"You ready?" He asks, rubbing my shoulder.
"I-I don't know." I say truthfully, it only hitting me now, that I have to say goodbye to Zara.


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"...Zara is definitely the perfect example of how we can change. She showed us all the things she would go through for the person she loves the most. I believe that she has impacted us all, showing us that we can always turn ourselves around and begin a new chapter in life, despite our past. She was like an angel sent down to Earth to me, always guiding me. I know that now, she is still looking down at us, smiling at all the people gathered here today. All she ever wanted was to be loved, and she can definitely see that now. Deep down, I believe that she's now at peace, nothing troubling her now. She's finally found the peace she's always been looking for and I'm happy for her. Right now, we should all move forward and I'm starting to heal slowly, I know that wherever I go, she will always still be guiding me and looking over me. But Zara, I do miss you, I miss you so much, I will always wish that this wasn't the only way you had, to find peace, however just like you said in your letter, I really do hope that we meet in another lifetime and start off where we left in this time. I love you." Iris finished her speech and collapsed into Grayson's arms tiredly. He soothed her, while she looked down at the floor, nothing showing on her face.

I finally broke down, all the emotions that I had been holding in were being let out and I couldn't hold it in anymore. Iris' speech made me realise a few things and open up to a new perspective.

To finally move forward.

I knew that it was possible, but it's been hard, hiding in everything that I've been feeling, releasing everything finally feels like a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Of course I'll always miss Zara, she'll forever be in my heart, but I'll never be able to move on without this empty feeling if I don't start to let go.

"It's okay." Soothed Matthias, stroking my hair softly. He pulled me in, and I hid my face in his chest, while he wrapped an arm around my waist, comforting me.

"You're so strong Caterina. I'm so proud of you." He whispered and I clung onto his shirt, not wanting to let go.

"Look at me Caterina. You know that right, I'm so fucking proud of you. You've held everything in, but now you need to let everything out. Just let it all out Cata. God, you're amazing." He says as he cups my face, staring into my eyes as he spoke. I nodded and a slight movement caught me eye. I turned my head to see Ethan, standing near us, staring at the platform that Iris was just standing on. His face was pale, and he looked like he had arrived in the middle of her speech.

I was surprised to see him here, but I was happy that he took my advice and decided to come in the end. I watched as he seemed to break out of his trance and move towards Iris. They spoke for a minute before they both hugged. Ethan started crying into Iris' shoulder and Grayson patted his back.
Hopefully he'll be able to move forward as well.

I buried my face in Matthias' neck again and he tightened his hold on me.
"Thank you so much Matthias." I mumble into his neck and I feel him squeeze my waist, letting me know that he had heard me.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Matthias says, taking my hand and I follow him. I catch Iris' eye and she smiles at me. I smile back and I nod towards Matthias and then at the door. She looks down at our clasped hands and nods at me, smiling once more before turning back to Ethan and Grayson.

"Where are we going?" I ask and he turns to me, squeezing my hand.
"You'll see." He says as he starts the car.

" He says as he starts the car

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Sorry for the shortish chapter. Also, just to let you all know, if you guys get any notifications saying that I have published a chapter of Black & Grey, don't worry, I've just been editing the chapters recently and adding in a few details that I've missed out or forgot to add. I am not adding in anything new so don't think that you'll have to go and read it again.
Also thank you guys for 1k reads on Awaken! I'm so happy, you're all amazing!!!❤️
Hope you guys enjoyed and stay safe!
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Until then

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