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"Thank you all for coming here today. I would like to start off by saying that finally I got married to the woman of my dreams, I mean who saw that coming right?" Grayson spoke and we all chuckled.
"But seriously, I fucking love you Iris, thank you for sticking by me throughout everything, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. Hopefully you won't leave me anytime soon just because I leave my clothes out all the time." He joked and Iris rolled her eyes, laughing at his joke and looked up at him adoringly.
"Marcello, Eleonora, thank you both for raising me. You're both the mama and papà everyone would dream to have. Eleonora, I'm so lucky to have you as my mother and so would anyone else. You have a kind heart to help others and thank you for helping me all the time. Marcello, unfortunately I'll be seeing you again soon, doing my usual tasks and jobs for you," he added and I snorted, shaking my head, "thank you for stepping in and taking me under your wing and for being a real father to me. Seriously though, cut down on the hair products Marcello, your hair is going to fall out soon."
For once, I actually saw Marcello look startled. He rolled his eyes at Grayson, but I saw the underlying love he held for him as he made his speech. Eleonora was crying, dabbing her eyes continuously as she looked at Grayson lovingly, just like a mother would do to her son.

"Caterina. Thank you for being the best big sister ever, you're always looking out for me and Ethan. Anyone would kill to have you as a sister and I'm so lucky you're my sister.
Ethan, you're my twin, so I can't exactly call you ugly... but bro, you're a real one. I love you but if anyone gives you their wedding rings to look after, please just don't lose them."

I chuckled at his speech and felt Matthias' hand on my thigh. He squeezed comfortingly and I sighed, enjoying it.

"Last thing I want to say is, Matthias I'm really fucking glad you were able to join us today man. To be honest, I never thought I would see you here today, but you are and I'm so thankful for that. You're a brother to me and I'm happy that you're doing well and keeping safe." Grayson finished and everyone turned to Matthias to give him comforting smiles. I looked at Matthias who smiled back at Grayson and at everyone else. He was sat really closely next to me, our legs brushing. My legs were crossed. Discreetly, his hand was on my thigh and his arm around the back of my seat, I felt him his fingers brushing my shoulder from time to time. I squeezed his hand that was on my thigh and he shuffled a bit closer, letting me know that he felt my comfort.

"I never would have imagined to see myself getting married either. Just a year ago, I was in college, living in a small apartment and my only focus was to study, work and pass exams. Yet here I am, finally married and surrounded by a loving family. Grayson has definitely changed my life for the better and I'm so happy that I get to start my own family with him. He can be annoying, most of the time, but I still love him so much and I'm so lucky to have sound someone like him.

Zara, Valentina, Caterina. You girls never fail to make me smile so much, all of you have helped me through so much and I'm so thankful for that. We've all been through so much but I'm glad we're here today.

Eleonora, like Grayson said, you have the kindest heart and the sweetest soul. Thank you so much for being the mother that I never got to have. As for Marcello, you're a scary, big Italian man, but despite you denying this, you also have a kind soul. Thank you for looking out for me and for being a second father to me. Also, I think your hair looks great, ignore Grayson, he's just pissed because he won't be able to style his hair as great as yours one day.

Dad, you've been through so much, but I'm so happy you're here. I love you so much and I will never be able to actually understand how much you went through.

Matthias. It's been really hard without you and I never want to go through that again. You being here, just makes me believe that whatever you wish for, it'll come true. I'm sorry for being soppy, but you're my big brother and I love you, thank you for always being there.

I would also like to thank every single one of you for coming here today. I'm over the moon at the loving family and friends that I'm surrounded by and I'm so thankful for this, every single day."
Iris finished her speech and it was silent for a moment before everyone started clapping. There were tears of happiness and sadness, and even my own eyes had swelled up with tears.

I grabbed the tissue on the table in front of me and dabbed my eyes lightly, careful not to ruin my makeup. I felt Matthias' hand on my shoulder and he brushed his fingers over my skin comfortingly.

"How are you feeling?" He murmured lowly, his thumb tracing soft circles on my thigh, making my heart do crazy leaps and somersaults.

"Happy. I feel really happy. I'm glad to be here." I said, looking around me.

You're right Iris. I'm so thankful for the family and friends we're surrounded by. This crazy Italian household, although full of flaws, we knew how to come together and be a famiglia at the end of the day.

A/N:This would've seemed like the perfect ending to the book really, but don't worry aha, there's more to come!Hope you guys enjoyed and stay safe!Vote! Comment! Share!Until then

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This would've seemed like the perfect ending to the book really, but don't worry aha, there's more to come!
Hope you guys enjoyed and stay safe!
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Until then

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