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"It's crazy. Grayson's getting married tomorrow!" I exclaimed, slight buzzed from drinking wine with Matthias. We had been sitting at this empty bar for an hour, talking about Grayson and the wedding. The room was quiet dark, with only lights hung up by the bar.

Matthias chuckled and took a sip of wine from his glass. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed and my cheeks tinged a slight shade of pink.

"You're right. I never thought I would see the day." He replied and I nodded in agreement.
I took a few sips from my glass.
"I'm so happy for him, damn, we all grew up too fast." I slurred now as I finished the rest of the wine, gulping it down.
Due to my drunken state, a little bit of wine slipped out of the glass and drooled down my neck and in between my cleavage. I grumbled slightly and set my glass down. I looked around for tissues and found some behind Matthias.

I stood up from my stool and reached past Matthias to get them but I couldn't reach, so I placed my hand on Matthias' thigh. However, I hadn't realised exactly how close my hand was to his length and I heard a sharp intake of breath from him. I grabbed the tissues, but I didn't move away from Matthias, wanting to bask in his warmness and presence for longer.

I removed my hand from his thigh and swept my hair back and off my shoulders. I then proceeded to wipe my chest with the tissues.
"Is there a bin around here?" I mumbled to myself. I tried to turn around and get out of Matthias' way, but I ended up stumbling and falling on him.

"Caterina." He growled and I looked up at him. My heart raced faster as I stared into his eyes, clear lust swimming in them. I had only realised that the position I was in was giving him the perfect view down my cleavage and me wiping at them probably didn't help. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I felt like I was suddenly when Matthias' gaze dropped down to my lips. I licked them nervously, resulting in his eyes to turn a darker shade of green.

He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his hand in my hair, keeping a tight grip.
"Matthias." I whispered as I stared at his lips. We were both so close to each other and I couldn't think straight.
I placed my arms on his shoulders, however I slowly slid my arm down, so it was placed on his chest.

I thought that Matthias was going to kiss me on my lips, however his lips landed on my jaw and I clenched his shirt in yearning. His lips trailed kisses down my neck and I couldn't help but slip out a moan. I was definitely sober now. His lips felt so soft against my skin, and I wanted his lips on mine. I moved my head back, giving him full access to my neck and he sucked the soft spot, while his hands slipped under my top and onto my bare skin. A burst of pleasure shot through me and I yearned for his lips.

I placed my hand on his chest and slightly pushed him back to face me again. Our foreheads were pressed against each other while we both breathed heavily and stared at each other's lips. I was aware of his hands tracing soft circles on my waist before he squeezed tightly. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Matthias brung his head closer to kiss me, but suddenly we heard a set of footsteps.

We both froze in shock. Once we heard the footsteps getting closer, Matthias snapped out of his trance and pulled my arm. He led me over to a dark and shadowed corner. He pressed himself against the wall before grabbing waist and pinning my back to his front. I pressed myself closer to him, hoping that we weren't going to be seen. I blushed bright red as I felt Matthias' length poking into my back.

I bit my lip nervously as I heard Marcello's voice.
"I swear I heard someone down here." I heard him mumble. There was another voice which I recognised it to be Nicolàs.
"Your daughter is getting married tomorrow, how do you feel?" I heard Marcello ask.

I pressed myself even closer to Matthias, fearing that we were visible to them.
I felt Matthias' breath on my neck.
"You know, you're not really making my hard on any better Caterina." He mumbled and I clenched my fists in embarrassment.
I felt him swipe my hair back, before feeling his lips on my neck again. My eyes widened at what he was trying to do and I tried to get out of his grip, but it was useless.

I couldn't help but give Matthias more access to my neck as I leant my head back onto his chest. I breathed heavily and almost moaned when his hands started roaming all over my body. I held onto his hand with a tight grip and bit my lip to stop myself from making any noises. 
"Caterina I need you now." He whispered lowly into my ear and I gulped, feeling the same way. He spun me around, pressing himself closer to me and stared into my eyes.
"God you're so beautiful." He murmured and I sighed as I stared at him, my heartbeat pulsing. I placed my hands on his face and was about to kiss him when Marcello and Nicolàs decided to leave.

Once they had left, me and Matthias were basked in silence. I removed my arms away from him and he stared at me. I cleared my throat, trying to speak.
"We-We should probably go to sleep." I stated and he nodded. Once we left the bar, we were about to split ways when Matthias grabbed my hand. I looked at him, confused, wondering what he was up to now.
"You'll be sleeping in my bed tonight." He announced and my brows raised in surprise.
"W-what?!" I stuttered, staring at the back of his head incredulously. He led me to his room and I stood in the doorway, not knowing what to do.

He noticed that I was feeling quite nervous and came towards me.
"Come on, let's just get some sleep." He said calmly and I nodded. I slipped into bed next to him, relishing in it when Matthias wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled to myself and drifted off to sleep.

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