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My eyes fluttered open and I basked in the warmness surrounding me. The room was dark and an arm was slung over my waist. I turned around and came face to face with Matthias' beautiful face. I sighed as I stared at him, never imagining to be here. I caressed his face, he looked peaceful as he slept and I didn't want to wake him up.

It only hit me what day it was. It was the day of the wedding today!

I tried to scramble out of Matthias' hold, but to my surprise, he held on tightly and I was crushed back into his front.
"Matthias. Wake up." I said and he only wrapped his other arm around me as well.

"Matthias, I've got to go get ready. The wedding is today! You've got to get up as well." I tried reasoning with him, but he didn't budge.
"Five more minutes." He grumbled and I rolled my eyes.
"I'll stop kissing you if you don't wake up." I stated after a moment. I saw his eyes snap open and before I knew it, he was on top of me. Before I could blink, he clasped my hands together and raised them over my head.

"You wouldn't dare." He said with his eyes narrowed.
"Watch me." I smirked. He leant down to place his lips on mine, but just before he could place his lips on mine I turned my head away, resulting in him pecking my cheek. I smiled cheekily up at him and he rolled his eyes, before his gaze dropped down to my neck.

He smirked and I frowned.
"What?" I asked, confused and he raised his eyes to meet mine. He didn't say anything, but lowered his lips to the space behind my ear and sucked there softly. I moaned, suddenly the door opened and someone came in. I froze, my heart racing fast. I buried myself closer to Matthias and Matthias shielded me away from whoever was at the door.

"Matthias get up- Oh, you have someone over? Sorry bro, get back to whatever you were doing." I heard Sebastian's voice. He closed the door and I sighed in relief.

"That was close." I said and pushed Matthias off of me. I got out of his hold and walked over to the mirror.
"Matthias!" I snapped angrily as I looked at my neck.
"Seriously?!" I growled as he smirked from the bed. Hickeys were scattered across my neck.

I groaned and sighed. "I'll see you later." Was all I said as I walked towards his door, ready to leave. Matthias grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, clasping my face in his hands.
"What's wrong?" He asked me, searching my face for any answers.
I shook my head, looking up at him and smiling.
"Nothings wrong Matthias, it's just going to be a pain trying to cover all this up." I said and motioned to my neck.

"I mean you could always just leave it as it is." He replied his cocky self coming back. I rolled my eyes at him and reached up to kiss his cheek softly.

"I'll see you later." I said and left.

I smoothed down the light violet dress and checked my appearance in the mirror once I was satisfied

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I smoothed down the light violet dress and checked my appearance in the mirror once I was satisfied. I thanked the heavens as I managed to cover the hickeys up.

Awaken | Book 2 | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now