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Before I knew it, Thursday rolled around quickly. I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I managed to get in a few hours of sleep just before our date.

It's a date.

It seemed strange and unfamiliar when I thought of it. Almost foreign. I couldn't deny that I was excited. I looked at the time and it read 6:00pm. I got up and went and had a shower, shaving my legs and arms. Once I got out of the shower I dried my hair before curling it. I was halfway through doing my makeup when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Caterina it's me Iris." I heard her say and I let her in. She glanced at me looking slightly surprised at my face which was half done and I was wrapped up in a towel.
"Where are you off to?" She asked, interested as she flopped down on my bed.
"Uhh. Promise not to scream?" I look at cautiously and she narrows her eyes at me.

"Go on." She urged and I walk closer to her.
"Matthias is taking me on a date tonight." I say quickly. Her eyes widened in surprise and I knew she was going to shout something so I quickly covered her mouth.

She took away my head and looked at me sheepishly.
"Sorry, sorry. But wow Caterina, he's finally taking you on a date!" She exclaimed excitedly and I got back to doing my makeup.

"What are you going to wear?" She asked, opening my closet and looking through. She scrunched her nose at some dresses and turned back to me.

"I don't know yet. Hey! My dresses aren't that bad!" I try to reason with her, although I understood where she was coming from.

"You're right, they're not bad at all Caterina. These dresses are gorgeous and you would look so hot in them, but do you really want to wear this on your first date with Matthias?" She questioned as she pulled out an extremely low-cut dress. I grimaced and shrugged.

"You're right." I sighed. "I don't think I even have any other dresses that are appropriate for a first date. These dresses are all from when I used to go clubbing, I haven't worn them in a year or so." I complained and she walked towards me, looking at me in the mirror while I applied my lipstick.

"You look so good!" She said and I smiled, appreciating her comment. Her eyes lit up suddenly and I looked at her quizzically.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she made her way towards the door.
"I'll be right back." She said hurriedly and left. After I finished my makeup, I re-curled some of my curls which had loosened slightly. Iris came back in, holding a dress in her hands.

"Here, wear this. I bought this dress a while ago, but I haven't gotten the chance to wear it yet and I don't think I ever will to be honest. My clubbing days are over." She admitted and I rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah no. Your clubbing days are not over Iris. We'll all have a girls night one day and we'll go clubbing." I assured her and she nodded slightly and shrugged.

We both thought of our previous girls nights before and I winced as I remembered the fun we all had with Zara as well. These girls nights won't be the same anymore.

"Either way, I won't be wearing this anytime soon and it's practically begging to be worn Caterina. I really want you to wear it, you'll look great in it." Iris broke the silence and handed the dress over to me. I let her know my appreciation and went into the bathroom to change into the dress.

It was a rose ruched dress. The front looked sexy but subtle as it made my cleavage slightly bigger, and the dress ended up just before my ankles. The dress went over one shoulder, but my arms were still bare.

I looked at myself in the mirror, impressed at my appearance. I clasped a small gold necklace around my neck and sprayed on some perfume. I opened the bathroom door to see Iris laying on my bed on her phone.

Awaken | Book 2 | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now