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"How are you holding up?" I asked Iris as I sat beside her while she was looking after Angelo.

It had been a few weeks since the funeral, things seemed to get back to normal, but there was still quite a dull atmosphere in the air.

"I'm okay I think. Barely any sleep though." Iris added in tiredly and I looked at her face, noticing the eye bags under her eyes. She looked worn out and I knew it was because of Angelo waking up in the middle of the night, crying for Zara.

"It's hard, but I'm getting through." She said and I nodded, rubbing her shoulder.
"Has he not gotten used to you yet?" I asked and she shook her head.

"When he's old enough to understand, I'll tell him about Zara, it's only right. At the moment though, I'm happy Zara got to be here for his first birthday."

I agreed with Iris. Angelo's birthday was a few weeks before Zara passed away. We had a big celebration in the villa, choosing not to go out elsewhere. I'll never forget the look on Zara's face that day, she looked so happy and proud as she looked at Angelo.

"You go get some sleep Iris, I'll look after Angelo for a while." I offered and she shot a grateful look.

"Thank you so much." She passed Angelo over to me, before kissing mine and Angelo's head.

"Just you and me now bud." I stared down at Angelo, his hair has grown a lot and we could see the light brown curls he has.

"You're so beautiful just like your mama Angelo. She was a good woman." I murmured as I patted his back. His tiny hands found their way to my hair, tugging slightly and he giggled. This was surprising to me and also like a breath of fresh air. We had been surrounded by sadness and tears for a while now, it was refreshing to see a little giggle from Angelo.

"What shall we do today hm?" I asked, knowing I probably sounded crazy, basically speaking to myself while Angelo stared up at me curiously.

"I say you get in my bed and we have some fun." Walked in Matthias and I snorted.

"I'm on babysitting duty sorry." I say, shaking my head at Matthias amusedly.

"There's always got to be a cockblocker." Murmured Matthias and I looked at him in shock. Matthias chuckled loudly once he saw my face and I slapped his arm, rolling my eyes.

"Shutup, and no swearing around the baby!" I say adamantly.
"This is the mafia Caterina. He's going to be cursing like a sailor by the age of fourteen. Or even younger." He shrugs.

"Na uh. I don't care Matthias, he will not be swearing around me." I remark.

"I'd like to take you out someday." Matthias says suddenly and I look at him in surprise.


"I'd like to take you out someday. To eat." He repeats and adds in.

"That's basically a date." I murmur quietly.

"A date it is then." He says and I snap my head to look at him.

"We're going on a date?" I ask, not believing my ears. My heart was pounding.

"I'm pretty sure you just called it a date." Winked Matthias and I look away from him, my cheeks tinging pink. It seemed like all my childhood wishes and adulthood wishes were coming true. I had always wanted to go out with Matthias.

"Sure." I'm not sure to what to say or think, still surprised.

"Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did." Matthias smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Go on." He urged, wrapping an arm around me and stroking my shoulder softly.

"What are we?" I asked, feeling nervous. I averted my eyes to look down at Angelo to distract myself, but the silence was painfully clear. I felt Matthias' hand stop stroking my shoulder and I gulped, imagining the worst things he could say to me right now.

"Let's talk about it when I take you out. We can go out on Thursday if you're not busy?"

I mentally sighed. "Yeah, Thursday's fine." I reply back and he nods.

"Great. Be ready by eight." Matthias unravels his arm from around me and stands up. He cups my face and presses a soft kiss to my lips before leaving and I'm left in silence again.

Although I'm slightly relieved that he hadn't said anything that I was imagining in my head, but some part of me nagged the fact that he couldn't answer me with a straightforward answer. Hopefully we can talk about what we are on the date.

A/N:Hey all, sorry for the short chapter, I wasn't really sure what to write it as a filler chapter

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Hey all, sorry for the short chapter, I wasn't really sure what to write it as a filler chapter. Also, I'm curious as to what you guys think about the book so far, please comment and let me know, is there anything you want there to be added or if you're just enjoying the book in general. I'd really like to know and would be grateful if you guys could leave a small comment :)

Also quick note, but I started college on Monday, my holidays are over :( so I'll probably be less frequent/quite slow with the updates, but I'm happy that I've managed to update a lot in the holidays so far. Hopefully you guys have had a good holiday too!
Hope you guys enjoyed and stay safe!
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