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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of the hospital machine continuously beeped, as it had been doing so for the past eleven and a half months now.
I sighed as I held Matthias' limp hand in my own, staring at the light freckles dusted over his nose, and his black hair ruffled up. Even laying in a hospital bed still didn't make him look any less good looking. I would do anything just to see him smile again, to see those green eyes light up again.

I had decided to come visit Matthias today alone, usually I went with Iris or Ethan, but I wanted to go alone today. I wanted to tell Matthias everything and have time to myself, hoping that somewhere deep down, he would be listening.
"You know Matthias, Grayson was joking around about baby plans to us earlier, Iris was blushing and slapped him on the arm, rolling her eyes at him, but laughing nonetheless. I really do hope that they have babies, but I hope that you will be there one day. Their wedding is in two months." I paused as I stared at the wall and then turned my head down to look at Matthias.

I squeezed his hand tightly, placing it in my lap, and covered my other hand over it.
"I miss when you used to be up to no good and always drag me into it as well. Although I remember the amount of times you stuck up for me, and you would end up getting the wrong end of the stick." I joked and sighed half-heartedly. I gulped as I stared at his features, feeling the lump in my throat and trying not to cry.
"P-please come back Matthias. It's been so long without you, I can't stand it. I miss you. I miss you so much Matthias, please wake up soon." I said as my tears slipped down my face at a quick pace. They splashed down onto Matthias' hand and I wiped them away. I placed his hand back at his side and leant forward. I swept some of his hair back and lightly kissed his forehead, my lips lingering there for a while. I ruffled his hair slightly, and looked down at him once more, taking all of him in before leaving.

Whenever leaving Matthias at the hospital day after day, it had always escalated me running into the toilets to cry all my tears out. There has never been a day where I haven't left without sobbing. I craved Matthias' touch always, and just wanted to be in his arms again.
I opened the stall and went towards the mirror, wiping away the last of my tears once I had composed myself. My eyes were prominently red as they have been for a while, but I had learnt to deal with everything so far. I left the hospital and returned back to the villa that day.

I was engulfed into a hug once I had returned to the villa

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I was engulfed into a hug once I had returned to the villa.
"Are you okay? How's Matthias?" Asked Iris and I smiled softly at her, hugging her back.
"I'm fine, and Matthias is still the same." I said and she nodded, sadness clouding her features.
"He'll wake up soon Iris, you will get to spend time with Matthias again." I reassured her, while also reassuring myself at the same time.

"How are the wedding plans coming along?" I asked, changing the topic and Iris smiled softly.
"They're coming along, you came just in time, Angelo just started to have a tantrum." She joked and I chuckled, following after her where everyone was situated. I nodded at Grayson, not seeing Ethan and Marcello around, and walked over to Eleonora. She kissed my forehead and gave me a glass of water.
"Sit down and take some rest." She said pulling out a chair for me. I smiled gratefully at her and looked at everyone.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Grayson and Iris are arguing over which flowers to have." Sebastian sighed and I rose an eyebrow at Grayson.

"Seriously? You? You're arguing with Iris over which flowers to have?" I asked unbelievably.
"I may know a thing or two about flowers." He huffed and we all laughed.

"How's he doing?" I asked Zara as she tried to calm down a wailing Angelo. She sighed and looked at me tiredly.
"I-I don't know what's wrong with him. He was just fine a few minutes ago." She said, trying to soothe Angelo.
"I'm pretty sure I saw Sebastian pulling faces at him, that's probably why." Iris joined in as she fell back on the couch, exhausted.

"What?!" Snapped Sebastian in disbelief and I laughed out loudly.
"Oh no, this is definitely Sebastian's doing." I said as I nodded at Angelo, and Zara shot him a playful glare. He huffed and stomped his foot like a child.
"You know, I've had enough of this family treating me like-"
"Who's hungry?" Iris asked and got up, interrupting Sebastian who looked outraged as he stared at Iris. He fell back on the couch in defeat with a pout and Zara giggled from next to me.
"I'll look after him and put him to sleep. You go get some sleep first." I said to Zara and she looked grateful.
"A-are you sure? I mean-"
"It's fine, now go sleep." I said as I took Angelo from her arms.
"Thank you so much Caterina." She said thankfully, and kissed Angelo before retiring upstairs to rest.

After five minutes, everyone, apart from Iris had gone to sleep and I had managed to calm down Angelo and was currently putting him to sleep. I looked down at his face in awe, looking at his beautiful button nose and brown eyes. His eyes were slowly drooping and I smiled softly at him.
The door opened and in walked Ethan and I heard Marcello going upstairs.
Iris put her finger to her mouth and pointed at Angelo and Ethan nodded.
"Zara's upstairs sleeping." Iris whispered and
I stood up and held Angelo to my chest as he had finally gone to sleep. I gave Angelo to Ethan and he nodded gratefully at me before going into his room.

"Let's go to sleep." I said to Iris, who was on the verge of falling asleep as well. We both went upstairs and she stopped by door.
"Goodnight Caterina." She said, hugging me before going into her's and Grayson's room.
I went into my own room and got dressed into my night clothes, and laid down in my bed.

My thoughts wandered to Matthias and the last memory I had of him before he had been taken to the hospital. He had snuck into my room the night before and we talked for a while and before we both knew it, his lips were on mine. It didn't go far, we only kissed, but it meant so much more to me. I asked Matthias to stay with me that night and he did, before slipping away in the morning.
That was our first time properly kissing each other, as I recalled the time when he pecked me on the lips when we were both so young.

Please, if there is a god out there, make sure that Matthias is doing well. He has to come back to us. He has to. He has to wake up, please watch over him.

A/N:Sooooo, first chapter is up! How did you guys like it? Sorry if it was a bit boring, but don't worry, the story will get better!Hope you enjoyed!Vote! Comment! Share!Until then

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Sooooo, first chapter is up! How did you guys like it? Sorry if it was a bit boring, but don't worry, the story will get better!
Hope you enjoyed!
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Until then

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