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"The flight for when we were supposed to return back has cancelled, so we decided to come back today." Iris placed down her suitcase and Grayson helped her.

"Bummer I guess." Mumbled Grayson and Iris chuckled slightly.

"Besides, it was kind of weird without the chaos of this house around us 24/7." I shook my head in amusement.

"Well you're both looking tan and glowing." I commented as I looked at both of them. They both seemed genuinely happy. I caught Iris' eye and she blushed, looking away to the side and cleared her throat.

"What?... No!" I gasped as I looked between Iris and Grayson. Grayson laughed and shook his head.

"Yeah I don't want to be here around you when you're both talking about sex." Grimaced Grayson and I rolled my eyes. He walked into the villa further, hearing him greet Matthias.

"So, I'm guessing this trip was really adventurous." I emphasised and Iris nudged me.
"Yeah it was actually. He also-"
"Spare me the details Iris. That's my younger brother." I groaned in disgust and she laughed, tipping her head back. After we had both calmed down, I went and hugged her.

"I'm glad you're happy." I said and Iris smiled sweetly.
"Now let's hurry up, I'll help you unpack. We have lots to talk about!" I grabbed a hold of her suitcase and she grabbed the other.

* * *

"Hey Zar, how are you doing?" Me and Iris walked into Ethan's and Zara's room. Zara was currently nursing a sleeping Angelo. When her eyes landed on Iris, they lit up in excitement before something passed over her eyes. I sensed sadness and I frowned. I didn't say anything as Iris and Zara hugged tightly.

Us three had been talking non stop for an hour straight and Iris finally stood up.
"I'm going to go find Valentina and the others." She left the room and I turned to Zara.

"Tell me what's wrong Zara." I said and placed my hand on hers.
"Nothing, I'm fine Caterina." She looked down at Angelo and patted his back as a way of not meeting my eyes.
"C'mon babe, don't lie to me. Whatever it is, you can tell me." I urged and she sighed.

"One day Caterina. I'll tell you one day, just not now." She responded and I squeezed her hand.
"I'm here for you okay. Take your time and tell me whenever you want. We're all family after all." I kissed her forehead and she smiled at me. I looked down at Angelo.

"He's going to break some hearts when he's older." I smiled and Zara chuckled.
It was true, already you could see Angelo's brown eyes and curly black hair showing.
"God I love him, along with this family, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me." She looked down at Angelo, her look telling me so much between a mother and her son.

"He'll make you proud, no matter what he does and you'll love him forever." Zara agreed with me as she softly swept back Angelo's hair.
"I think I'm starting to have baby fever now." I joked, but somewhere deep down, I knew I was telling the truth. I had always wanted a family of my own, ever since I was a little girl.

"Uh huh, I wonder who'll make that wish come true." Winked Zara and I rolled my eyes, blushing.
"I-I don't know. I don't even know what we are." I played with the end of my skirt awkwardly and Zara raised an eyebrow at me.

"You guys are not sure what you're are? You both looked real cosy to me on the dance floor at the wedding." Zara commented and I looked at her suddenly, heat creeping up my neck.
"You saw that?!"
Zara nodded and chuckled, it was now her turn to place her hand on mine.
"Don't worry babe, I only saw you two kissing because me and Ethan were next to you two. The light passed over you once or twice and I saw your lips locked with someone's. I took a lucky guess as to who it was." Teased Zara.

"Ethan? Did he see anything?!"
Zara blushed in response.
"He was uh- quite busy." She said and I smirked.
"Yeah? Looks like it wasn't just me and Matthias getting all cosy then."
"Whatever, I'm still rooting for you two. Also, how come you and Matthias are being so secretive about your relationship?" Zara questioned curiously.

I was about to speak, but stopped. I didn't actually even know myself.
"I uh- I'm not even sure myself to be honest. We've always hid our crush on each other away from everyone. I've only told Iris and you, and Valentina found out for herself. I guess we're just comfortable to going back to how things were before." I said and Zara nodded.

"Do you think you'll ever be able to get past that stage? The whole sneaking around thing."

"I hope so. He's the only guy I've ever had eyes on. My heart belongs with him, always has. I've only ever dreamed of a family of my own with him." I confessed.
"That's so adorable. He does like you, a lot. I hope you two do become something in the future. For now, it's okay, we all love a bit of forbidden relationships I suppose." Zara winked cheekily and I laughed at her response.

"I'm not even sure how everyone would react. How Grayson, Ethan or Marcello would react, more specifically." I said, staring down at my hands.
"Babe don't worry about them. Your relationship is with Matthias, if they can't accept what you two have, then screw him." She said and I smiled slightly.

"Easier said than done Zara. I think you've forgotten that we're in the mafia." I raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.
"Fuck that. Just remember though, I'll always be rooting for you and Matthias." She came forward, being careful as to not wake Angelo up and gave me a tight hug.

I hugged Zara back, but as I did I frowned. Something about the way she had said that, sat wrong with me. I kissed her head and Angelo's softly before leaving the room, wondering what was going on in Zara's mind.

A/N:Merry Christmas Eve!!!!❤️🎄Hey all, sorry for not updating for the past 2 or 3 days

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Merry Christmas Eve!!!!❤️🎄
Hey all, sorry for not updating for the past 2 or 3 days. Christmas is literally in a few minutes (2 to be exact) but wow it's come around quick. I just wanted to say thank you all for supporting me and this story as well as Black & Grey. A year ago tomorrow, I hit 1k reads on Black & Grey and now it's at 89.8k reads and this sequel has 776 reads! You guys are all awesome and even if you don't celebrate Christmas, I still wish you a good day!❤️
Hope you guys enjoyed and stay safe!
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Until then

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