6: Coffees and smiles

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The cafe above Barnes and Nobles smelt like a mixture of warm milk and fresh brewed coffee. Afternoon sunlight filtered through the large windows that showed the busy London streets. Me and Wilbur sat at a small glass table in the corner. A white rose was placed in the middle and a small chandelier hung above our heads.

"Do you want any coffee?" He asked, looking at the small menu. My heart picked up a bit but I quickly regained compositions of myself. I would have one black coffee. No sugar of milk.

"Uh yeah, I will have...a black coffee." He gave me a strange face.

"Your gross Ida. Black coffee? Blah." Laughed Wilbur. I felt my face flush a bit but retorted back.

"Like it dark as my soul"

"Then your coffee would be a vanilla cappuccino!"

I lightly hit his shoulder while laughing.

"What will you drink?"

"Earl Gray tea..." he whispered.

"HAH I KNEW IT WILBUR!" I screamed, causing a few people to glance in our direction. Shamefully he hid his face in his hands, laughing silently.

"Oh i knew IT. I can't blame you though, Early Gray's great but I'm more of a Green Tea girl." I teased.

"Ida you are so strange. Black coffee, now green tea? That shit is gross!" He said.

Rolling my eyes i responded:

"Green tea is healthy, it boosts your metabolism. And black coffee is an acquired taste!" LIttle did he know...

"Alright Ida, I'll go up and order the coffees okay? Do you want any pastries?"

I shook my head no and he left, heading to the register.

A few minutes later he came back with the coffees. I was on my phone, scrolling through twitter liking fanarts and edits. I was quite amazed at the talent in my small community. It warmed my heart to know people would put time and effort into making things just for me. As he sat down I turned off my phone.

"Here is your coffee, mi Idalina!" He smiled whilst handing the coffee. I giggled at the nickname as I grabbed the cup. My hands blossomed with warmth. I brought it close to my nose and sniffed. The scent of strong coffee engulfed me. I had always loved the smell.

I made it through the cafe trip with no problems. Soon we headed out again into the chilly streets of London. The sun was slightly setting. We had a bit more time until it was dark and we would have to head back to Brighton.

Me and Will walked side by side, wandering aimlessly. Harsh wind whipped against my face, cracking my lips and making my eyes water. I softly bumped into Will and looked down. Our hands were almost touching. Contemplating my next move, impulsively, I grabbed his hand. Compared to mine he was warm. A bit shocked he looked at me.

"Is this alright?" I whispered with a smile. No doubt a blush creeping on my cheeks.

"Yeah it is" He smiled.

I gripped his hand a bit tighter and leaned closer so when we walked our shoulders we nearly touched. The sun was almost gone painting the sky oranges and pinks.

"This was really nice Wilbur." I sighed softly. "Thank you, for everything." I looked at him. A small smile on his face to match mine.

"Anything for you Ida"


Hi sorry it took so long to update i was on a trip and didnt have my computer but i will be updating more frequently! I also might write a chapter inspired by my trip? Idk. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter. It would mean the world to me if you voted or commented. Even if it is something small! Have a great day, drink some water and get rest!

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