4: date?

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I awoke the smell of bacon floating through my cracked door. I lazily rolled over to check the time. 10:30. Ugh. Will's guest bed was so comfy and so soft. I groggily opened my eyes to see soft sunlight lined on the pale gray wall. It would be rude to stay asleep much longer since it was a quest and I didn't want to overstay my visit. I slid my legs off the bed, my feet touching the cold wood floors. Just as I went to stay up, I collapsed right back down. My vision spotted but only for a second. I heard footsteps pounding down the hall.

"Ida are you alright!" Wibur gasped.

I was still laying on the floor, too exhausted to get up.

"Will I be okay ? I just...fell," I responded.

I felt soft hands grasp under my armpits. My vision was just the floor, now it was wilburs smiling face.

"C'mon get ready, i have a fun day planned for us!" He said while setting me back on the bed. Suspicious, I still complied, heading to the bathroom to freshen up a bit.

The view in front of me was horrendous. My eyeliner smeared over my eyes and I had huge bags. I hated the person in the mirror. My hair was stringy and my brown eyes were dull. My cheeks were hollow and small red bumps were scattered on my face.I turned away in disgust and just walked out. I would get ready later.

I walked into the kitchen to see wilbur sitting at a round wooden table. Four chairs surrounding it with a small face of blue flowers.

"Goodmorning Ida," He said while smiling, bacon and eggs filling his mouth.

" Good Morning," I sighed while rubbing my eyes. I plopped down on one of the wooden chairs across from wilbur. I turned on my phone to see many missed calls and texts from my roommates. Shit. I hadn't told them I was staying over at wilburs. Annoyed, I called them back. When i moved to the UK i was accompanied by my two friends Chelsea and Elizabeth. We had been very close as kids and still are. I called Chelsea first. Chelsea was very kind but quite a handful. She had Thick blonde hair and stunning hazel eyes. She finally wicked up...

"IDA! Where are you, me and Eliza are worried." She screamed through the phone.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, I stayed over at Wilburs." Rolling my eyes I regret what I just said.

"OOOOOOOh Idaaa. You did do something right!" Teased Chelsea. I felt my face heat up. Wilbur noticed to cause he shot me a confused glance. I turned away and continued talking.

"Shut up bitch. No we did not. I'll be home later tonight ok? Tell Eliza." I scolded.

"Alright, alright. See ya!"

Turning back around I just smiled at wilbur.

"What do we have planned for today?" I questioned sitting back down.

"Ah, i was wondering if you wanted to take the train into London and walk around and explore?"

"Sure, you don't mind if i meet you back here in like an hour, i have to get ready!"

"Of course, take your time."

"Well i'll see you soon Mr. Soot." I waved heading towards his front door.

The walk to my house was not long. We lived pretty close actually. Today the sun was out but it was november so it was a bit chilly. I wrapped my sweater around my tighter.


I'm sorry this is a bit of a short chapter, I wanted to get something out. Also check out my new book I'm working on, it's called an ode to nihachu. Updates for that book may be slow cause this is my primary focus but i will continue to update that one as well.

(G, your character will come in soon ;))

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