5: Barnes and Nobles

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The landscape passed in a blur of grays, yellows and blues. Wilbur and I were almost halfway to London, the train ride being about two hours. Currently, Wilbur was asleep on my shoulder as I listened to some music and read. I was immersed in a book called Sophie's World, a story of the history of philosophy. I had always been quite interested in philosophy, it was something that was so mind wracking it was almost cool.

I had been reading for so long my eyes started to hurt and got teary. I shut my book and leaned my head on top of Wilburs, as much as his guest bed was comfy I was still exhausted. Soon enough I fell asleep to the soft hum of Vanilla Baby by Billie Marten.

"Ida... Ida'' someone whispered. I felt soft hands lightly touch my shoulders. My eyes flew open. The train had stopped, we were in London. Wilbur must've been the one to wake me. I rubbed my tired eyes and stretched my arms high above my head.

"C'mon we have to get going" Wilbur said while grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I groaned in annoyance but complied.

The station was filled to the Brim with people. I held Wilburs hand tighter as he guided us out of the terminal. We weaved in and around groups and hallways trying to find the exit. As I stepped out cold air filled my lungs. It was a sunny day still but cold. I wrapped my plaid scarf tighter around me.

For a while we walked hand in hand. No words were spoken. Finally I decided to break the silence.

"So, what are we doing in London?" I cheerily asked.

"Well i was thinking we could just have a day in the city. Maybe go to a bookstore? Go to the park? It's really up to you." He responded. A smile grew on my face. A day put with Wilbur in the city...it was like a dream come true. A bit of pep in my step and I continued to walk next to him chatting about my favorite books and teas.

"You drink tea Wilbur?"

"I infact do. Earl Gray" He smiled down at me.

" You seem like the type to drink Earl Gray tea" I chuckled. An expression of mock shock flashed across his face.

"What's that supposed to mean!"

I just smiled in response and pulled him down the road.


" Will can we please stop here!" I pleaded with puppy eyes pointing to a two story Barnes and Nobles. He looked down and gave me a soft smile.

" only for you." he teased. Rolling my eyes I grabbed his wrist and practically dragged us inside. Opening the door, I was met with the smell of new books and fresh brewed coffee. My eyes couldn't even take in the sheer amount of books this place had. Rows upon rows of bookcases filled the store and an elegant staircase was situated towards the back leading up to a small cafe. It was a bit dim but that just added to the feel.

"You look like you're in Heaven." Laughed Will. All I could do was nod. I really was in heaven.

"Ok I'm going to look for some books, meet you upstairs for drinks in 40 minutes?" I asked turning back toward Wilbur.

"Alright." He sighed still with a smile. After making sure he was clear on the plans I bounded over to the classical literature section.

I had been roaming the Barnes and Nobles for a good 40 minutes. My arms were growing heavy with a large stack of books, i would have to thin out how many i bought or i would go bankrupt. I was towards the back of the store, no one in sight. I was sitting on the floor skimming through a book that caught my eyes. It had a pretty floral cover. Immersed in the first chapter I didn't notice the person sneaking behind me. Slowly they crept towards me. I was taken out of my book trance by being lifted up into the air and hoisted over a shoulder,

"Who- I- WILBUR! Put me down this instant!" I whispered-yelled while softly hitting his back. Giggles erupted from both of us.

"All those books Ida. You're like a little Book Gremlin."

" I prefer the term, Bookworm," I retorted, " Now put me down."

"Alright, alright."

I was gently placed back on the ground where I promptly picked up my stack of books. I turned to see Wilbur dumbstruck.

"Do you seriously need all those books Ida?"

"What do you mean, of course i need ALL THOSE books. I bet i could finish this stack in two months!" I replied. Shaking his head lightly I started heading to the cash register to become broke on books. Today was great so far!

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