2: No and Yes

705 16 20

~TW~ mentions of eating disorder 

The whole walk to the cafe my mind raced. Would they think it's weird that I won't be eating? Would they even notice or care? Nobody knew about my eating disorder except for my friend back in america. But I hadn't talked to him in so long.

Eventually we arrived at a small restaurant. Gorgeous green vines creeped down the brick walls of it. Large windows allowed me to peer inside the not-so-busy restaurant. My stomach churned at the thought of even seeing food but I tried to push back my worries. I would just make conversation and tell them I ate before comg here. Surly they would understand.

We got seated towards the back near the kitchen. Just my luck. Smells of pastries and warm food flooded out the kitchen doors making me nauseous. I took a seat next to Wilbur and Charlie. George across from me. They immediately dove into conversation, meanwhile I became immersed with my thoughts. I must've zoned out for a while because Charlie poked at me. I was brought back into reality.

"Hey, what do you want to eat?"

I felt my heart start beating fast. It was so loud I was sure everyone in the restaurant could hear.

" Oh um i'm not super hungry. I ate before going to the beach." I answered. I hope she will believe my lie.

"Ida that was over 5 hours ago. Are you sure?" Wilbur said while shooting me a questioning glance. I gulped down my fear and just shook my head yes. Fearful if i spoke they would be able to tell.

"Alright then" Wilbur sighed. I tried to act normal as the waiter came over to take orders. Soon I excused myself to the restroom. Once around the corner I sprinted to the bathroom locking myself in. I slid down the door breathing heavily. No no no. I couldn't act like this in front of my friends. I tried to take deep breaths but all that escaped were ragged, short puffs of air. I don't know how long I stayed there just silently sitting on the dirty floor.

We were walking out of the restaurant. All my friends were laughing with full bellies of delicious food.

"This was so much fun, thanks for planning this Ida!" George said while hugging me. I plastered on a smile.

"Yeah we should do this more often it was great seeing you all again and making a new friend." I nodded.

"Hey Ida, Charlie and George live pretty close. They are going to be driving home. I'm going to walk you home alright?" Wilbur questioned. No.

"Sure" i managed to croak out. I embraced Charlie and George once again and watched them walk off. Hand in hand. Maybe i'm not the only one who made a new friend i smirked.

"C'mon Ida lets go." Wilbur motioned.

The walk was spent in a comfortable silence. Occasionally talking about the day, twitch and streaming. Then wilbur stopped and sat down on a near park bench. I followed him, confused as to why we stopped.

"Ida we need to talk."

My heart started racing. I looked down at my shoes and clenched my teeth. Wilbur please don't say anything about dinner. I could feel my body becoming shaky. I tried to play it off. He reached over and grabbed my hands.

" Ida, why didn't you eat."


"Wilbur, I already told you I was not hungry, I ate a big lunch before." I growled out suddenly filled with anger. I looked up and saw he was a bit taken aback.

"I just want to make sure you're alright okay. I promise you can tell me anything." He whispered. I debated telling wilbur. Maybe he could help? But, i didn't want help. I wanted to be skinny.

" I had a friend, John, before i moved here. We were both new york city kids. I used to be a model wilbur. Did you know that? I used to be so beautiful." I whispered back. My vision was getting a bit blurry but I could still see tears forming in wilburs eyes. Flashbacks of young me poisned my mind. Long blonde hair, tan skin, alive brown eyes. Now i had dirty blonde long hair. My eyes dull, all life sucked out of them.

"Ida, you are so beautiful, so strong, so amazing alright. And I don't expect you to tell me what you're going through okay. I just want to make sure you're alright." Wilbur sadly smiled. I quickly engulfed him in a hug. Finally letting my tears come spilling out. He softly played with my hair as I cried into his shoulder.

"Hey Ida, I think I have something that may cheer you up..."Wilbur finally said. I pushed away from our hug and wiped my wet face. " I have a friend from new york as well. His name is Johnathan, Jonathan Shlatt."

I've heard that name before...

"Do you want to get back in contact with him?" More tears spilled out except this time, they were from happiness.

" Oh my god Wilbur! Thank you so so so much. Truly your the best friend i could ever ask for!" I squealed.

"How about we go back to my place for the night and i'll get you on a discord call with him? That sound good?" Wilbur asked. I nodded quickly with a huge smile on my face.

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