11: Train rides

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The ride to the station was quiet. Wilbur had some soft music playing, I tapped along while he drove.

"Are you excited to see Schlatt again?" Will broke the silence.

"I'm kinda nervous...we havent seen eachother in such a long time. What if he doesn't like me anymore?"

"Trust me Ida. Hes been ranting on discord practically everyday, he's super happy to be getting to meet you again. I'm sure it will be fine." He comforted me.

"Are you excited?"

"Yeah, Schlatts really cool. This will be my second time meeting him."

"What does Niki think of Schlatt?"

"They haven't really talked much aside from the SMP. We will meet her at the station as well." he answered. " Speaking of, we are almost there!"

We fell back into a comfortable silence. I would see Schlatt soon, my childhood best friend. I was giddy with emotions I couldn't put a finger on. Excited, anxious, happy, scared?


We waited by the terminal. We had already met Niki, Schlatt said he would be here, but he wasn't.


I was cut off by arms wrapping around me from behind. I squirmed to see who it was. John.

"It's so great to see you!" I whispered hugging him back.

"Yeah it is." He whispered back holding me tighter.

We all greeted Schlatt. Will and Him kinda awkwardly hugged, him and Niki quickly embracing. The train would be here any moment so we just talked about his flight from America to the UK.

The train finally arrived and we all entered grabbing four seats around a small table. The train ride would be at least 6 hours so we had time to kill.

We started off with playing BS. (the card game)

"One jack!" Will giggled, placing down his card.

"BS. your shit at lying Will" I scoffed. Pushing the pile towards a Pouting Wilbur.

"Three queens" Smirked Niki.

"No way" growled Shlatt. Niki had been aceing this game, she now only had 5 cards left.

"Call BS then." She laughed. He just mumbled under his breath.

" One king!" i said while placing down my card.

"Peanut butter..." Niki whispered.

"WHAT!" Will slamming his hands down on the table. Unlike Niki, he was very bad at the game, having a good pile of cards.

"I'm just so good at the game." Teased Niki.

The game continued, Niki eventually winning and Wilbur raging. Eventually we all just broke doing our separate thing. I was just scrolling on my phone when i got a text from shlatt., I looked at him questioningly and he just pointed to my phone.


What's up with you and Wilbur?


What do u mean


I saw you oogling at him and flirting in the game.


Me and wilbur r friends shlatt oml


oh ? Then watch his face after i do this.

After that text i felt a heavy presence on my shoulder. Shlatts head.

"You don't mind?" He smirked.

"...no i don't." I glared at him. He just closed his eyes and smiled slightly. I looked over at Wilbur whose conversation with Niki had stopped. He was staring at Schlatt, slight anger painted over his face.

"I'm going to use the bathroom." He excused himself, walking towards the end of the train. Shlatt quickly got up smiling at me.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes at him going back to looking out the window.


i realized i had been seplling Schlatt as Shlatt so uhhhhh.....anyways!

Edit: realized i spelt spelling wrong....

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