I Wanted to Stay!

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"~" Stands for Time Skip

At the Sohmas' House (Months Later)

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At the Sohmas' House (Months Later)

Tohru and Chihiro sit across from the guys of the house at the usual table for conversations. The atmosphere was serious and the sisters look saddened.

"Our grandfather says the renovations are over..." Tohru tells everyone sadly. She grips Chihiro's hand tightly under the table.

The guys look at the sisters surprised. Shigure being the first to speak up.

"That was surprisingly fast." He says flatly with little to no humor in his tone.

Shigure was upset. He really didn't want the girls to leave. Not only did they help out around the house but they made everyone feel like a family.

"Yes, the external walls aren't complete yet, but he called and told us it's ready for us live in now..." Tohru explains.

"Wait! What renovations?!" Kyo yells out surprised since he wasn't informed of this before.

Shigure looks over at Kyo. "Oh right we never told you..." Shigure said, trailing off at the end.

Kyo shrugs his shoulders. "So tell me now" he says as if it was the simplest thing.

Tohru decided to explain since Chihiro wasn't in the mood to speak with anyone. "Well you see after our mom died we went to live with our grandfather on our fathers side. But then we found out our Aunt and her husband was going to move in with us. And grandpa decided to have some remodeling done to make more room for everyone. So...he went to stay with our Aunt while the remodeling was being done. And we moved here so we won't miss school. Well we didn't move here, here yet. But anyways, so now that the renovations are done it seems like we can move back an-" she rambled on before Kyo cuts her off.

"Okay, enough already! I get it..." he says loudly, seemingly upset.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought that..." Tohru trails off.

Shigure quickly consoles Tohru before she thinks Kyo being like that is her fault.

"Don't worry about him. I think we caught him off guard with the news is all. I guess I understand, this is a little sudden." Shigure explains understanding where Kyo was coming from.

Chihiro nods her head in agreement with his last statement.

"I suppose we should go get our things packed while we still have the rest of the afternoon. We'll try to be out of your way by this evening." Tohru says with a smile on her face hiding so many emotions behind it.

Shigure shakes his head dismissing the idea. "Don't hurry on our account. Feel free to take as much time as you need." He offers generously.

Tohru smiles and stands up. "Thanks but I'm sure they'll be needing our help straightening up and all. So then, we'll be right upstairs if you need us." She says about to make her way to her room before realizing.

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