Secret Base!

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"~" Stands for Time Skip

"~" Stands for Time Skip

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Third POV:

Chihiro carefully left the classroom after Yuki, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

When she reached outside, Yuki and Kyo were having a heated conversation.

"What were you thinking pulling a stunt like that? Think. If you act like an idiot, I'm the one that's going to have to hear about it." Yuki patronized Kyo.

"It serves you right! Why do you want to go to a school full of crazy giggling girls anyway?!" Kyo asked appalled with his head down looking at his lap.

"I suppose you'd prefer me living my life in fear of being transformed? You sound like Akito. He thought I should go to an all boys academy too. Which is why I came here. To get away from him and out of that house." Yuki rants a bit, heated.

"What do you know? You're a spoiled little rat. You want out? That's fine! But I'm going to prove once and for all I'm better than you! And then I'm going to take my place as a true member of this family! I'm not going to be left out anymore!" Kyo yelled back.

He jumped up grabbing Yuki by the collar yelling in his face. "Do you hear me rat boy?!"

Chihiro decided to step in before too much happened and they fight at school getting in trouble.

"Please calm down Kyo! You shouldn't fight at school. You can get in trouble and you don't want this to happen when you've just transferred. I know it's not my place bu-" Chihiro tried to say before being interrupted.

"Shut up! Who do you think you are?! This is between me and him! It has nothing to do with you! You stupid little girl! From now on just stay the hêll away from me!" Kyo screamed, taking his anger out on her.

"Well o~Kay then. Excuse me, I have to get back to class now" Chihiro says quietly not looking up from the ground and walking away quickly. She wanted to cry and she didn't want to do that in front of them. Not wanting Kyo to feel bad for yelling at her. (A/N: Is this just me? Like when I get yelled at, it makes me want to cry🥺. Unless I'm too sensitive.)


Walking home from work, Chihiro was following along the trail by herself in the forest. Chihiro had decided to let Tohru have a break, doing Tohru's work for her.

As she was walking she heard someone trailing behind her, leaves rustling a bit too much for comfort. After what Chihiro heard from Shigure recently, she began to walk faster.

But whoever was following sped up too. So she stopped abruptly and whipped around about to swing on the person. However, she paused right before the hit could land once she saw who it was.

"K-Kyo oh...hi. I thought you were one of those creepy perverts Shigure told me about." Chihiro says awkwardly giggling slightly.

"...Look, you don't have to stay away from me. Just! Hit me if you're angry okay. I get it" Kyo says with a small blush on his cheeks looking away from her.

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