Just Like the Zodiac!

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"~" Stands for Time Skip

"~" Stands for Time Skip

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Third POV:

The mailman was just arriving at Sohmas' house.

"Call a doctor! Or a vet or anybody!" Tohru yells as both her and her sister went barreling down the stairs with animals in their arms. The mailman just walking up to the front door.

"Oh Mr. Postman look! It's terrible you see, they're animals!" Tohru shouts shoving the orange cat in his face as Chihiro held up Shigure (the blue/black dog) who has Yuki (white rat) on his head.

"O-Oh well, y-yes they are. Well here's your mail" He chuckled nervously, just trying to get his job done.

"No you don't get i-" Chihiro tried to say, but stopped as dog Shigure grabbed the mail with his mouth. "Ahahah~. I wish my dog was this smart. Well good day" The postman says leaving the house, closing the door behind him.

Tohru sank to the floor on her knees, out of energy. Chihiro just pats Tohru's head, trying to think of a solution before...

"How are we supposed to come up with an excuse if both of you transformed too?!" The orange cat yelled at both Shigure and Yuki.

"Don't you dare try to blame this on us you stupid cat!" Yuki yelled back softly, still residing on Shigure's head.

"Go ahead say that again!" The cat threatened back. "Stupid...cat~" Yuki dragged out slowly, antagonizing him. "Why you little-" Kyo started before being interrupted.

"Cut it out both of you!" Shigure shouted having enough of the arguing.

"T-They talk too Tohru" Chihiro says shakily, pulling softly at her sisters arm sleeve. Tohru looks at her with wide eyes.

"No point in coming up with an excuse. We might as well tell them the truth. Tohru, Chihiro...I'm a dog. Yuki here is a rat. And that's Kyo, don't let his temper scare you. He has a bit of a chip on his shoulder." Shigure explained.

"So this is normal?" Tohru asks as Chihiro looked at all of them, studying them.

"Strange choice of words. But yes. Our family has lived with this curse for generations. Transforming into the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac." Shigure explains further. His last sentence caused Kyo to whip his head around to glare back at him.

"Sorry, Sorry. The 12 animals plus the cat." Shigure corrected himself. Then he begins to tell of the setbacks of the curse, including when transforming back...naked.

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