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"~" Stands for Time Skip

Third POV: (A/N: I haven't decided which POV will be easiest to write yet so for now)

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Third POV: (A/N: I haven't decided which POV will be easiest to write yet so for now)

Like any other morning Tohru and Chihiro woke up bright and early to get ready for school. Both saying goodbye to their mother as they begin walking to school.

However, this time they decide to go a different route than normal. By doing this they spot a house down a hill from where they were. Never seeing it before, they decide to explore it.

"Look at this Chihiro! Did you know there was a house here?!" Tohru asked looking over at her in surprise.

Chihiro shook her head no. "No...besides we usually travel to school together remember silly" Chihiro giggled shaking her head.

They continue walking, this time towards the house instead of school.

"It seems so peaceful, must be nice" Tohru chirped walking to the opening where both she and Chihiro found the Chinese zodiac painted eggs(?) drying in the sun.

"Oh how cute! The twelve animals of the zodiac!" Tohru says looking at them amazed.

"Wow! I've never seen anyone paint them on eggs before. Whoever did this must be very talented~" Chihiro says eyes wide in admiration. Tohru nodding in agreement beside her.

"My word. Does my eyes deceive me or are there two strange young girls standing here on my porch?~" A man in plain traditional Japanese clothing says smirking at them.

"Ah! We're sorry, we're so sorry! We we're just looking we didn't mean to barge in without permission!!" Tohru exclaims quickly. Both her and her sister jumping back a few feet from the porch. Chihiro bowing next Tohru repeatedly as an apology since Tohru already spoke for her.

"It's alright, I just set them out to dry. No harm done. But...I find it hard to believe these silly little things could attract your interests." The man says a bit skeptical although a gleam of mischief was in his eyes.

"No they're amazing! We both love the Chinese zodiac and once we saw these we just had to get a closer look. Did you do these yourself?" Chihiro asks looking up at the man with sparkles in her eyes. He looked at her chuckling.

"Why thank you~. Yes I did do these myself actually. It took some time but I couldn't complain much once I saw the finished product." The man says smiling, a bit touched at the compliment for such a simple thing.

"Yes we really like them! We don't think they're silly at all." Tohru looked at them again with a small smile.

"Yes well, I must admit I'm particularly fond of them myself." The man states kneeling down next to them.

"Ohh...I should have known. You left out the cat..." Tohru trailed off. Both Chihiro and Tohru looking down sad.

"Cat...?" He questions before realizing what Tohru was referring to. "Ahh. I take it you're referring to the old folktale of the Chinese zodiac" He says smiling slightly.

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