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"~" Stands for Time Skip

Everyone was sitting at the table enjoying their afternoon when a loud rumbling sound occurred

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Everyone was sitting at the table enjoying their afternoon when a loud rumbling sound occurred.

"What in the world?" Chihiro exclaimed out loud looking at everyone confused.

Shigure looks up from the newspaper. "Sounds like she's here early" he says before going back to his reading.

This caught Chihiro and Tohru, who was serving tea, attention.

"Huh? I didn't know you were exp-" Tohru began to say before being interrupted by Kyo who stood as fast as lightening.

He starts to run further in the house before Shigure snagged the back of his blue sweater, stopping his movements.

"Ah, Ah. Not so fast Kyo" Shigure says with a closed eye smile.

The running finally came to a halt. "I'll go see who's there" Tohru volunteers before making her way.

Chihiro looks over at Kyo who was still trying to escape Shigure's grasp. 'I wonder what has Kyo so scared?' she thought before turning her gaze to where Tohru went.

Instead of Chihiro seeing her sister, she sees a girl with brown hair styled in a bob.

"Kyo?" the girl asks softly, still near the door.

"Kagura?!" Kyo yelled back questioningly, still trying to run away.

As if she didn't see this attempt, the girl started to make her way into the house towards him. "Kyo! Kyo, Kyo, Kyo~!" She called out running to him.

Chihiro decided to mind her business once she saw Kagura begin to question Kyo in a soft voice.

'There's no way this is how she truly acts if Kyo looks that scared' Chihiro thought, sipping some tea before looking back up at the scene in front of her.

"I missed you so much!!" Kagura yells at him swing her right hand forward and punching him in the face.

This causes Kyo to fly out the house breaking the door in the process landing on his back. Before he could get up, she grabbed him by the leg and began swinging him around like a rag doll.

"Oof not the door again" Chihiro says quietly shaking her head in disbelief.

Yuki also turns his gaze to it. "Well it looks like we'll be needing another door" he says deadpanning. Glancing over at Shigure who looked over life at this point.

He couldn't even look at the damage done. "Sometimes it feels like the whole world is conspiring against my house" Shigure sighs out holding his head in his hand.

Chihiro zoned out for a bit getting lost in the fight happening outside. Before she catches on to what Yuki says next. "You might not believe it but she's two years older than us" he says to both sisters looking for a reaction.

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