CH 5: Little Talks

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"But honestly, Hongjoong, I need more," Seonghwa said. His eyes were honest as he held Hongjoong's stare unfalteringly. Seonghwa wasn't playing around. He wasn't asking, he was demanding. Hongjoong's lip curled slightly. It felt like his back was up against the wall.

"How much more?" Hongjoong asked gruffly. 



He should have listened to his mother. He should have taken his phone with him last night. He should have come home earlier. He should have- a sob ripped him out of his thoughts, the burning of his throat stealing his attention. His steps stuttered to a stop. Glancing backwards, he saw the large moving van pulling out of the drive way and turning left, turning away from Yeosang.

Wooyoung was gone. Yeosang's best friend, his soulmate, his rock, his oxygen, was gone. What was Yeosang supposed to do now? How was he supposed to breathe? How was he supposed to live without Wooyoung? Another sob wracked his body, shaking him to the core.

Why didn't Wooyoung tell him he was moving? Did he really hate him so much?

Swallowing a sob, Yeosang tore his eyes away from the now empty house and started walking down the path, away from the place haunted by cherished memories that meant nothing anymore.

Every step took him further and further away from the place he had considered his second home, which was now rendered unfamiliar and cold. Every step wrenched another sob from him as the world spun around him, tilting upside down as Yeosang struggled to breathe. Blurry figures moved past him, seemingly gliding around him without so much as a word.

Yeosang was drowning. Drowning and yet he didn't have the energy to fight it.

The ten minute walk back to his house dragged on for and eternity. His tears dried up as he passed the old oak tree next to the park where he swore he could still hear Wooyoung's childish giggle as he "hid" from Yeosang on the lowest branch back when they had first met, many years ago. Yeosang stopped, his head turning slowly, tired eyes landing on the spot where the branch used to be. That too was gone. Hacked off by the government some time during the eight years he'd been away in another country. Despite knowing it was gone well before today, Yeosang felt a sharp pain in his chest as he thought about both Wooyoung and that moment in their childhood being gone. He inhaled a shuddering breath, eyes painfully dry as if he'd cried out all of the water in his body already.

Forcing himself to continue walking, he turned his back on the old oak, thoughts heavy with Wooyoung and searching for any reason that might explain why his closest friend had left him without a word of warning. He wouldn't have just left him because he was mad, right? No. Yeosang chastised himself for the ridiculous thought. There was no way Wooyoung would force his mother to move just because he was mad at Yeosang. That wouldn't make sense. There was no way they could have packed up and moved in only a week, right?

Yeosang shook his head, trying to shake away the neverending thoughts. He didn't want to think. He didn't want to wonder. He just wanted to go home and sleep. He was tired.

He looked up from the footpath and looked across the road. He saw his mother waiting on their front steps, her hands clasped tightly together by her chest, fingers playing absentmindedly with the ring she still kept on her finger. Her eyes roved over the street, searching. When she saw him approaching, she rushed down the steps to greet him, her lips quivering as he walked avross the road and lethargically walked closer towards her. She reached out her hands to his face as he stepped onto the path, but he pushed them away before stepping past her and heasing up the steps and inside into the house.

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