CH 7: Scent

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Yeosang would have mistaken Jongho for human with a penchant for baking brownies if it weren't for the way his eyes flashed red the first time they made eye contact. The delicious sweet hot fudge brownie scent clung to the very air particles around Jongho, a tantalizing scent trailing behind the alpha wherever he went. Although, it was not so much a scent as it was a feeling. A feeling of warmth and comfort and chocolate... Yeosang would never be able to describe it to anyone, no matter how hard he tried.



Neither Yeosang nor Jongho had spoken about the night Yeosang stayed at Jongho's, both of them shying away from the topic. They especially avoided speaking about how affected Jongho was by Yeosang's scent. Was his scent that sad? Or was there more to it? Yeosang couldn't stop thinking about it. He'd searched up every possible question he could to try and find out why Jongho had teared up from his scent, but all he could find was stuff about mates and how either mate could be greatly affected by how their mate felt, to the point of extreme empathy and feeling that emotion so passionately that, they too, are overwhelmed by it. It was not at all the answer he was looking for. There seemed to be nothing about it outside of mates, so Yeosang was left wondering what on earth it could mean. He'd even tried looking up cases of humans smelling a wolf hybrid's true scent, but he got zero results on that, just a bunch of websites about roleplaying or other irrelevant topics.

Yeosang didn't know why, but he knew Jongho's true scent. He could pick out Jongho easily in a crowd from his scent alone and he could even tell the difference between Jongho's scent and a real hot fudge brownie. And somehow, he preferred Jongho's scent- he'd tested it one day, ordering a hot fudge brownie to see if he could distinguish them. He frowned over his hot chocolate as he remembered the words of a kind female alpha who had confirmed that Jongho's scent was indeed hot fudge brownie. The glint in her eyes had told Yeosang that she knew more than Yeosang ever possibly could. And she'd looked at him like his whole world should have changed when she uttered the words 'fated mates'. Whatever that meant- he had looked it up, but once again, it was something reserved for wolf hybrids, and even then, it was exceptionally rare and basically a fairytale amongst wolves. There were only a few recorded stories of fated mates, and these stories had been analysed and critiqued by thousands of others, wolves and humans alike, many of them coming to the conclusion that it was just a load of bullshit. And, Yeosang was inclined to agree. Love at first sight, fated mates, whatever you wanted to call it, it was all just fairytale bullshit.

Yeosang looked out the window, worrying his lip between his teeth as he thought of when he first met Jongho.

Yeosang would have mistaken Jongho for human with a penchant for baking brownies if it weren't for the way his eyes flashed red the first time they made eye contact. The delicious sweet hot fudge brownie scent clung to the very air particles around Jongho, a tantalizing scent trailing behind the alpha wherever he went. Although, it was not so much a scent as it was a feeling. A feeling of warmth and comfort and chocolate... Yeosang would never be able to describe it to anyone, no matter how hard he tried. Jongho just smelled safe. Strangely, Yeosang always knew when Jongho was nearby, his comforting scent standing out against the boring spicy scent of other alphas.

Yeosang had gone to the cafe by chance in February when it opened. Wooyoung had been preoccupied with an exam during the time they would have usually walked home together. So, Yeosang had two hours to kill. He'd seen a cafe getting set up for it's grand opening the week prior and deciding that he had nothing better to do, he went to the cafe.

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