Explanation of the School System

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So, before we begin this story, I would like to explain the school system of this world and how it is different to our own. I would normally leave this up to the story to explain to you, but, as the school system is not the focus of the story, it will not be explained in great detail. Hence, I will provide information on it here so you may understand why the characters are still at school despite their age.

0-5 = home care or daycare
5-10 = "pre-school"
10-20 = "main school"
20-25 = "after school"

Pre-School -

Pre-school is the schooling period before main school. During this time, pups and kids are mostly separated but are encouraged to interact during monitored play times and group projects. Wolf pups are still learning about their own strength and a little too rough playful tackle from an overexcited pup and result in an injured human child. However, by the time a pup is 10 years old, they have usually mastered control over their strength and recognise that they have to exercise more control around humans than their wolf companions to prevent hurting someone accidentally. During pre-school, the children and pups learn about each other, the hierarchy, heats and ruts, mates, their roles in each other's lives- overall, this schooling period promotes co-existence.

Main School -

Main school is the ten year schooling period that focuses on S.T.E.M, English, general electives such as home economics, visual arts, music, manual arts, business and technology, another language, photography, film studies and drama. during the final three years of main school, students attend compulsory 'After School Prep.' classes once a week. The classes are a mixture of seminars, information sessions, open day excursions and mock lectures for selected interests. These classes often require the students to travel outside of school for a few hours to a day to gain information on possible careers. However, during the final year, these classes are 8/10 homebound and are lessons on entrance exams and mock exams. The entrance exams determine the immediately available studies for students to study based on their results. 

After School -

When the humans and wolves turn 20, they transition into "after school" which is a five year study program where students focus on two studies that they will pursue a career in. After school is not mandatory, but is highly encouraged. After school can be deferred for up to two years before students are deemed as uninterested. 

Happy reading!

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