CH 1: The Transfers

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The moment Wooyung laid his eyes on the beautiful, tall, dark haired omega, he knew he was doomed.



He laughed at his best friend's pouty expression. It was adorable when Yeosang got like this, all pouty and whiny, begging him for something. 

"Wooyoung," Yeosang whined, drawing out the syllables of his name as he gripped Wooyoung's arm and shook it. Wooyoung only laughed harder. "Wooyoung," he whined again, this time sounding slightly offended that Wooyoung couldn't stop laughing. 

"Okay, okay, alright!" Wooyoung tried to calm himself down so he could appease Yeosang who had now crossed his arms and turned slightly away from him. "I was just joking. I'll let you order chicken."

Yeosang, who had been in the process of turning further away as Wooyoung kept trying to catch his eye, whirled around, huge grin on his face. He snatched the phone from Wooyoung's outstretched hand without a word, hurrying to order before Wooyoung teased him again. 

While Yeosang ordered, Wooyoung stood up from the floor and moved towards the tv to grab the remote. He moved back to where Yeosang was happily ordering fried chicken and crouched behind him, watching over his shoulder until he was done. 

"Can we start watching the movie now?" Wooyoung asked. Yeosang nodded, handing him his phone with a grateful smile. He accepted his phone and put it on the table before practically collapsing onto the couch. "I can't believe the weekend's practically over!" he exclaimed, his tone whiny. "The weekends are too short!"

Yeosang shook his head at Wooyoung's whining and laughed before sitting next to him. "Maybe if you hadn't slept all day yesterday, it wouldn't feel so short," Yeosang snorted as Wooyoung hit him. 

The day continued with their usual bickering as they watched movie after movie and enjoyed various snacks after demolishing the fried chicken in seconds.

As day dragged into night and the room slowly became encapsuled in shadows cast by the everchanging light of the television screen, Wooyoung moved closer to Yeosang, resting his head on his best friend's shoulder mindlessly. It was a habit to be close to each other, sharing physical contact regularly, reminding each other that they were there. Sure, they could communicate just fine with words, but Wooyoung knew Yeosang understoond touch better, on a deeper level. His words could be sharp swords ready to slice at anything prone, but his touch was always gentle and it offered Wooyoung a new way to understand how his best friend was feeling. If he pushed him away when he said he was okay, Wooyoung would know he wasn't. If he embraced him or returned the touch, then Wooyoung would know he was okay. That he wanted Wooyoung there.

It was strange to consider how well they knew each other. At least, that's what their other friends had said. But Wooyoung didn't think so. He just understood that Yeosang expressed himself differently. His words were often like daggers, but it was his touch that always gave away how he was truly feeling.

So, when Wooyoung felt the familiar, soft, triple tap on the back of his hand, he couldn't hide his smile. He allowed his eyes to slip close for longer than was wise as he lost interest in the movie, Yeosang's body warmth and shoulder enticing him into a welcoming comfort. He was tired, drained after the long week. His sleeping all day was just one sign of it, he knew that. He knew Yeosang knew that. Knew that even though Yeosang teased him for it, he was concerned. Concerned about just how much he had been sleeping; how quiet he was becoming. He knew Yeosang was concerned, that his silence was scaring his close friend of 7 years, but, he didn't know what to say- how to tell his best friend that he was moving away very soon. How to tell his best friend whom he had promised to do everything with, that he couldn't keep his promise.

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