Walking Sleeplessly

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Yue was sitting the makeup chair hearing her makeup artist complain about the bags under her eyes and how dark they've become. Yue apologized and told her that she would try to get a goodnights rest but in reality Yue hadn't had a goodnights rest for about a month and wasn't sure she would be keeping her promise.

Since her fight with Wang He Di and the Weibo post from his management team confirming his relationship with Jing Wen, she has been a walking zombie. Li Jiaqi has been worried about her and has been texting her almost everyday to see how she was holding up. Yue really did appreciate Li Jiaqi's efforts but it just kept reminding her of what had happened with Wang He Di. She felt like she was constantly walking up to a nightmare she was not prepared to face. She was so out of it that it was starting to affect her work and everyone around her was starting to notice she was not her usual cheerful self.

She was grateful for her busy schedule and resolved to herself that she would focus more on her work. She wanted to stop feeling so sad and miserable about her whole ordeal with Wang He Di. She can't change what had happened with him but she was going to try her hardest to change her feelings towards him. She no longer wanted to cry about him nor did she want to feel any affection towards him.

Xiong Ziqi walked into her dressing room and asked "Are you ready?"

Yue looked at Xiong Ziqi and thought Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to date you. It would give me time to fall out of love and maybe with time, fall in love again.


Yue shook her head and smiled at Ziqi "Sorry, yes I'm ready."

After both Yue and Ziqi were done with their promotional photoshoot, Yue had decided to ask Ziqi how he felt about accepting their management's proposal about dating. She didn't want to accept their proposal without discussing it with him first and thought it only acceptable that they both agree to it. She took a couple of breaths before knocking on his dressing room door to gathered as much courage as she could for what would be surely an embarrassing conversation.

She heard him ask to come inside and before heading inside she thought to herself "Here goes nothing."

"Oh, hey Yue."

"Hey Ziqi, do you have some time? I wanted to discuss something with you, well more like ask you something."

Ziqi looked bewildered at Yue and smiled "Sure Yue, what's up?"

Nervously Yue responded "You know how both our management teams have been harassing us to date. Well I have been thinking it might not be such a bad idea and wanted to get your opinion on the matter." Yue had been so nervous that she could not look up at Ziqi and felt her whole face warm up as she spoke. She could not help look up at Ziqi once she heard him clear his throat.

"Look Yue, you know I am very fond of you but as a friend. I know that both our management teams have been pressuring us but I do not think that should be a reason to start a relationship and besides I thought you liked someone else."

Yue voice cracked "No. I mean no I don't like anyone right now."

Ziqi looked at Yue rather sadly and placed his hand on her shoulder "You know that you can always come to me when you need help or advise."

Yue smiled up at Ziqi "I know, you've always been a great friend and I thank you for always being willing to listen to me."

Ziqi smiled rather mischievously at Yue "So are you now going to tell me what Wang He Di do to make you upset."

Yue's eyes went wide "How?"

"Oh come on Yue, do you think I was blind to not see how the both of you acted at 'Happy Camp'."

Yue couldn't help to blush in embarrassment "I don't know what you're talking about. There is nothing going on between us."

Ziqi laughed out loud and shook his head "I just hope for the sake of the both you, that he isn't as stubborn as you."

Yue laughed wholeheartedly and for the first time in a month she felt lighter before Yue could thank her friend he looked at Yue seriously and said "Yue please know that I know how hard it can be in this industry to really trust people but you can always come to me for anything you need. I really consider you not only a great colleague but a good friend as well and want nothing but the best for you."

Yue was so touched by her friend's words that she started to tear up and could not help herself and hug Ziqi with so much force that the both fell over and they both started laughing.

"I forget how strong I can be sometimes."

"Yue next time you want to hug me, please warn me."

The both started laughing once more as Ziqi helped Yue stand up. They both said goodbyes and try to plan a dinner with a couple of their friends.

As Yue sat in the van on her way home she could not help but feel grateful for people like Xiong Ziqi in her life. She was about to get herself in a relationship with someone whom she was not in love with, just so she could avoid feeling hurt and humiliated by Wang He Di and that was not fair to Ziqi nor herself. By the time she got back to her apartment Yue was exhausted by the days events and went to get herself ready for bed. 

As she was about to head to bed she realized she needed to check her schedule for tomorrow and went grab her phone from her living room. She noticed various missed calls from her management and text messages from Li Jiaqi and Xiong Ziqi. 

Yue decided to read Li Jiaqi's messages first. 

    Shen Yue! Call me as soon as you get this.

    Yue! Is what they're saying on Weibo true?

Yue confused by Jiaqi's message, decided to look on Weibo to see what they were saying about her this time. 

Yue couldn't believe her eyes and almost dropped her phone from the shock. The number one trending topic on Weibo was Shen Yue and Xiong Ziqi share a romantic kiss and there were photos of Xiong Ziqi and her hugging on the floor. From the angle the photos were taken, it looked like they had shared a kiss. 

Yue was mortified and called Xiong Ziqi right away to apologize for the huge misunderstanding. He assured her that he was not upset at her but rather the person that took those photos and was spreading those false rumors. They both agreed that they would release a statement in the morning dismissing the false rumors.

After she got off the phone with Xiong Ziqi, she couldn't fall back asleep and decided it would be useless to stay in bed. She grabbed a blanket and went to sit on her sofa, as she sat down she could not help but start to cry. Too much had happened in the month and this was just another thing she really didn't need to be added onto everything else she was dealing with. She knew that she would have to deal with Wang He Di sooner or later but her head kept telling her "Not yet!" while her heart kept yearning for him. Once she got tired of crying, she dragged herself to bed and she promised herself once she had dealt with the rumor of her and Ziqi she would reach out to Wang He Di and give him a chance to tell her the truth about him and Jing Wen.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the late update! It has been one hectic month for me but I'm hoping to update more often :)

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