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Yue was feeling a bit disoriented and confused as she opened her eyes to a hospital room. She tried getting up but felt a firm hand on her shoulder.

"You need to rest, Yue. Lie back down."

Yue was so drained that even if she wanted to protest, she didn't have the energy to do so. She turned to her helper to inquire what had happen and was surprised to see that it was Wang He Di that was sitting along side her bed.

"From the look on your face I can tell you have a lot of questions but you really need to rest right now. I will answer any and all your questions later. Just go back to sleep."

Yue was so confused and had many questions on her mind but when she felt He Di caress her hair and look at her so softly, her body relaxed and she felt so at ease that she drifted off to sleep but not before feeling He Di give her a soft lingering kiss on her forehead.


Wang He Di was having the longest day of his life and had no idea he would be running into Yue sooner than he had anticipated.

He had really wanted things to settle with the news of his "breakup" with Jing Wen before he went and explained things to Yue. He was a bit disarmed when he heard Jing Wen and Yue's conversation. He let his temper and jealousy get the better of him and then next minute he hears that Yue is missing and he can't feel but anxious to find her.

So when he found her outside with Jing Wen and she started to cry uncontrollably, he got really worried.

He hated to see her cry and would do anything to make her smile again but when she suddenly asked him to kiss her he was left in shock.

He was confused by her sudden request since he thought that he was one of the last people she wanted to see, let alone be kissed by him. Then there was a part of him that just wanted wanted to throw caution to the wind and do as she requested but he knew that he really wanted to clear the air with her before they did anything they would later regret.

Before he could say anything he saw Yue close her eyes and slump in his arms. He tried to shake her awake and kept calling her name but she wouldn't respond.

He was so worried about Yue that he rushed them to closest taxi he could find to take them to the nearest hospital. He texted Jing Wen what happened and asked her if she could notify Yue's management and was grateful that she told him not to worry about it and that she would take care of it.

As he sat next to Yue and finally got to really look at her he noticed how small her face had gotten since the last time he had seen her and how pale she looked. He held her small hand in his and felt how cold she felt. He was getting more worried and anxious for her to wake up that he did not hear her doctor enter the room.

The doctor notified him that Yue has low blood pressure and is anemic and that she would need to spend the night for observation to see if the IV fluids improved her vitals.

Wang He Di was relieved that it was nothing more serious but at the same time he was upset that she had not been taking care of herself. He would have to scold her for being so careless with herself once she was feeling better but for now he was just content to know that she was in no grave danger and that he could be next to her.

He was so relived to finally see that she had become conscious and happy to see her eyes open but knew that she was in no condition to be up and that once she had a full nights rest he would finally face her and tell her everything and hope that she would forgive him.

He kissed her forehead and prayed that she would forgive him and that if possible she would let him into her life once more.

Yue woke up to the feeling of the sun shining brightly behind her closed eyes and was blinded not only by the light but at the sight of Wang He Di sitting in a chair rather uncomfortably with disheveled hair and his handsome yet tired face set in his signature scowl.

She turned her body towards him and rested her head on her arm to stare at him.

She thought back at the events that unfolded the night before and remembered that she had been feeling unwell and that she had met whom she thought was Wang He Di's girlfriend, Jing Wen. She then remembered her conversation with Jing Wen and how silly she was felling at herself for running away from him and not giving him the opportunity to explain himself sooner.

It was the first time in a long time that she felt well rested and a bit more like herself. She was not sure if it was because of the IV in her hand or if it was because Wang He Di was there with her.

She saw him frown and turn trying to get comfortable and she couldn't help but smile. She got up and picked up the blanket from her bed and went to cover him. She could see from the dark circles around his eyes that he really needed the rest.

Wang He Di felt warm and when he opened his eyes he was greeted with the most beautiful sight. Yue was looking at him with the most affectionate gaze he had ever seen from her and a soft smile on her lips. He loved how the sun hit her hair and skin almost making it seem like she glowed and before he knew it he uttered "So beautiful."

Her smile widened and she looked away from him with a blush starting to spread on her cheeks. Before he could apologize for making her uncomfortable he heard her say "You look tired. Why don't you go home, rest and..."

Wang He Di was immediately on his feet and took Yue by her shoulders and led her to sit back on the bed.

"You're not getting rid of me so fast Yue and besides you are the patient. The one that needs to be in bed is you and not me so get back in bed before I get any angrier at you."

Yue started to laugh and He Di was confused to her sudden burst of giggles.

"You really need to let me finish speaking, I was just going to say that you can go home, rest and freshen up and then maybe if you wanted to you can come back so that you can keep me company, only if you wanted to."

Wang He Di was a bit stunned at her sudden change towards him but was a relieved that she was not pushing him out of the door.

He didn't want to leave her alone so he shook his head no and replied "I am uncomfortable with leaving you alone and besides I am waiting to see what the doctor says about your recovery, if you don't mind."

He saw Yue chew on her bottom lip and nodded okay then he heard her say in a soft voice "I'd really like to talk about what happened."

Wang He Di sighed as he knew that they should really discuss everything that happened and clear up the misunderstandings between them but it wasn't the right time nor place for that as she was still unwell and he would like to do it more privately than in a hospital room where anyone could hear them.

He took her hand and stared at her curious eyes and in the most calmest voice he could muster up replied "We will, Yue but at this moment your health is more important. So how about we wait for your doctor and see what he says and then when you're feeling much better we can talk. I'm just glad that you're doing much better right now, you scared me back there for a bit and I'm still a bit mad at you for not taking care of yourself."

He could see Yue thinking his words over as she chewed on her bottom lip and wanted her to request him to kiss her again but before his mind could drift he heard her say "Very well and this time I will stay and listen."

He smiled and for the first time in a while he let himself hope. Maybe this time around they would both be brave enough to face each other with open hearts and tell one another the truth about what happened and maybe what will happen with them as he really didn't want them to keep living somewhere in between. He was ready to face his feeling for her and what may come of it.

Author's Note:

I did it! I finally updated, sorry for the wait. I know some wanted her pregnant but I really didn't want to go that route with them just yet. Well enjoy this update as the next one I might make 🍋

Well enjoy this chapter 😉

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