Complicated Fools

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Wang He Di was try once more to call her and once again she had refused to pick up the call. Annoyed with the whole situation he threw his phone at his couch and yelled "That stubborn stupid girl!". He had a rare day off and had spent most of it try to reach her so he could apologize and talk about what had happened but she wouldn't take any of his calls. It had been a week since they last saw each other and no matter how many times he called or texted her she wouldn't reply to any of his messages. He even asked Caesar to help and after all the teasing and favors he owed Caesar, she still refused to talk to him. He refused to waste another minute trying to reach her and decided to head to Caesar's place so they could go play basketball and no longer think about the situation.

Caesar having been friends with both Yue and He Di for many years knew that those two idiots had always like each other but refused to acknowledge it and liked to poke fun at them about it. As soon as Wang He Di had come over to play ball, he knew he was in a bad mood over Shen Yue but had not said what happened with her and why he was trying to hard now to get in contact with her. He had been waiting to see if He Di would bring it up but as always he was as pigheaded as ever. Tired of waiting for him to tell him what happened he asked bluntly "So Didi... are you finally going to tell me why you are in such a hurry to get in contact with Yue or do you need me to beat it out of you."

He Di was bouncing the ball and refused to look at Caesar "I just need to clear somethings up with her". Caesar intrigued as to what could have possibly happened to the both of them asked "What do you have to clear up so badly that you've been nonstop trying to get in contact with her and are in such a sour mood." Wang He Di annoyed at Caesar's line of questioning and at Yue for being so stubborn passed the ball to Caesar rather ruffly and told him "Drop it will you. I'm not in the mood to talk about this and if I knew you were going to be so nosy I wouldn't have asked you to come out to play." Caesar annoyed at his friends stubbornness replied "You know what Di, I have been your friend for a long time now and I'm not so blind to not know that you are upset with Yue about something. So I'm going to chalk up your last comment to that but if you think that I have all the time in the world to gossip about you, that's hilarious. I only ask you what's going on because I am concerned about you as a friend and want to help you but if this is how you're going to be then I can leave. Call me when your ready to talk." Caesar turned to walk away when he heard Wang He Di speak "I'm sorry bro, I didn't mean to snap at you and I know that you're concern about me. It's just been a fucked up week and am ticked off about a situation that happened."

"...with Yue?" He Di looked up at the sky and sighed "Yeah.... well no... I don't know it's all a mess and she won't even talk to me so that I can clear things up". Caesar laughed and shook his head at his two foolish friends and asked "I don't know what happened between the both of you but you're my bro and I will help you as much as I can so that you can get in contact with her." He Di looked at his friend and mentally thanked the heavens for the friends in his life, "Thank bro, I really appreciate it and sorry again for before, I didn't mean to snap at you." Caesar laughed and grabbed He Di by the neck "That's okay but now you owe me lunch, let's go I'm starving."


Yue had been keeping herself busy and refused to think about what had happened with Wang He Di. She felt so guilty and ashamed that she kissed... well more like made out with someone else's boyfriend and every time Wang He Di called or texted her she felt the shame wash over her again and what scared her most was that she wanted him to kiss her again. Yue put her head in between her hands and closed her eyes trying to will away those thoughts and feeling but failed.

Come on Yue get it together! He has someone. It didn't mean anything. There is nothing between you and Wang He Di. She was reprimanding herself when she felt her phone vibrate and had hoped it wasn't Wang He Di again. She picked up her phone and saw it was Li Jia Qi, relived she answered "Hello" "Yue Yue! I hope you're not busy, can you chat for a bit?". Shen Yue laughed at her very energetic friend "I'm on my break now but I will have to go back soon... I think we should be finishing up in like an hour though, so we can chat then?" "I have a better idea! how about we meet up for dinner, I'm free and don't have anything scheduled tomorrow morning. I really miss you and really need to go out." Yue couldn't help to smile and replied "Sounds great." They settled on a restaurant nearby before saying their goodbyes.

Shen Yue and Li Jia Qi sat at a private booth at the back of the restaurant where they could have privacy and speak freely. They were having a pleasant time catching up and praising one another on each others success when Li Jia Qi suddenly asked Yue "So are you seeing anyone?" Yue pursed her lips and shook her head. "I thought you and Xiong Ziqi had something... at least that's what's going around Weibo." Yue sighed and off handedly responded "It's just for promo for our new drama, management want us to be friendly towards one another." Li Jia Qi nodded her head in understanding and responded "Yeah I know what you mean, I've had to do the same for some of my dramas but you've been rather close to him more than you have been with your other costars... has something changed?" Yue stared at her friend opened mouth not sure how to respond and if she should tell her friend what had happened with Wang He Di when Li Jia Qi interrupted her line of thinking. "Does Wang He Di have anything to do with your sudden change?" Yue nervously laughed and looked anywhere else but at her friend "I... I don't know what you mean... nothings changed." Li Jia Qi raised her eyebrow at her silly friend "Uh huh... You know what else is going around Weibo... How good the two of you looked reenacting the breakup scene on 'Happy Camp'." Yue at the mention of Happy Camp furrowed her brows together trying hard not to cry but Jia Qi instantly knew something was wrong.

Li Jia Qi worried about her friend scooted closer to her and softly asked "Yue if there is something you need to talk about you can always come to me, you know that right?" Yue looked up at her friend and automatically felt the tears stream down her face. Concerned Li Jia Qi hugged her friend "What's wrong Yue?". Yue started crying harder and Jia Qi hugged her friend harder hoping she would calm down enough to tell her what was wrong. Once Yue had calmed down enough and wiped away the tears she looked Jia Qi exhausted and said " Jia Qi... something bad happened and I don't know what to do." "What happened? please tell me, you're worrying me." Yue has been confused about her emotions and ashamed of herself ever since the kiss and knew that Jia Qi would not judge her and be there for her as she has always been over the years. She took a deep breath trying to muster up some bravery "I don't even know how it happened or why it happened. Wang He Di had come to my green room after finished filming and I was speaking with Xiong Ziqi about our upcoming schedules, Wang He Di was rude to Xiong Ziqi, so he left and all of a sudden he was asking about our relationship and make it seem that if I was with Xiong Ziqi it was a bad thing. I got mad and started to argue with him, when all of a sudden... He just kissed me and I feel miserable about it... How could he do that when he's with someone." Yue started to cry again.

Li Jia Qi felt sorry for her friend because she understood that no woman likes to feel like they have betrayed another woman. She grabbed Yue's hand "Yue please don't cry. I don't like seeing you sad. Have you given him a chance to explain what happened?". Yue shook her head and answered "Every time he reaches out it just makes me sad, how could he do this to the person he is with. Is this what he has done to all his previous girlfriends..." Li Jia Qi knowing Yue is the type of person to overthink things immediately interrupted her "Yue, you know that I love you and care about you but I think that you need to give him a chance to explain himself before you decide to never speak to him again. We've know Wang He Di for so long and I really don't think he is capable of just using her or you." Yue was so confused about the whole situation, her heart and thoughts were screaming two different things and she didn't know what to listen to. She knew that what her friend was saying made sense but she did not feel ready to face him.

Li Jia Qi left her broken friend home and on her way home she knew it was time to pull out the big guns. Pulling out her phone she dialed the only person she knew that could help her straighten out this mess. "Hello Wu Xize, sorry for calling you so late but I think you and I need to talk about a pair of complicated fools." Wu Xize laughed "Li Jia Qi, you were just reading my mind."


Authors Note:

Thank you to @luxeyvou (aka @shewybaebae on twitter) for the support.

I really hope you are all enjoying it. I like fanfics with a bit of angst and a build up but don't worry I will get them together soon enough! I know sometimes it can be frustrating to wait for them to finally be together (like in the drama! lol) but hopefully the wait will be worth it. :)

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