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Yue felt very anxious and jittery, the plane turbulence also wasn't helping and at the moment she would like to jump out of the plane or ask the pilot to turn back around. She was currently on a private plane, on her way to Leshan to formally meet He Di's parents and she felt like the day before a major exam and that she was unprepared for it. It also didn't help that He Di had to fly ahead of her, leaving her alone to her frantic thoughts.

She really did want to make a good impression on his parents and had gone a little overboard with presents, hoping that they would like something from the many things she bought for them. Over the years she has had many friends that have been in serious relationships but it had never occurred to her to ask them how they developed a relationship with their partner's parents. She really wished that she would have dated more and would have at least meet one of her ex's parents, so that she felt more prepared for what was to happen in a couple of hours.

Yue didn't like the unknown and had prided herself in always being prepared but this was whole new territory for her and her anxiety was starting to take control of her.


Yue was startled out of her thoughts and checked her phone to see a message from her boyfriend.

She had let out a sigh of relief, she wasn't aware she had been holding in and realized then that they hadn't been able to get in contact the whole day.

I miss you, love. Get here already so that I can have you in my arms.

Yue couldn't help the smile that broke out from her lips and replied to his message.

I'm almost there, love.

After they finished texting one another for a while longer Yue felt more at ease and knew that her boyfriend had most likely contact her to ease her anxiousness. He knew her so well and it had worked, she put aside her worries at the moment and knew that he was worth it.

She hugged her phone closer to her chest, looked out the window and breathed out "I'm almost home."


After landing safety Yue grabbed her luggage and headed out the airport to a driver with her name on a sign. She was going to just grab a cab but deep down knew her caring and over protective boyfriend wouldn't allow that.

She gave her bags to the driver and went to go sit inside the van bit when she opened the van door she was greeted with the sight of her smiling boyfriend.

"Finally! Not get in here so that I can finally have you in my arms."

Yue rushed into the van and into his arms and felt all the tears she had been holding in just start to roll down her cheeks. She felt him hold her closer and reach behind her to close the van door. As he sat back down, he brought her onto his lap and grabbed her face with both hands.

"What's wrong, love?"

Yue couldn't swallow the lump in her throat or stop the tears, so she shook her head and hugged him tighter to her.

He Di didn't know what to do to stop her tears, so he hugged her back and waited till she was able to calm down. Once she felt calmer she released her hold from him and went to sit on her own seat but He Di wouldn't allow her to move back.

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