Always Yours

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Why the hell is it so damn hard to breathe.

He Di had been pacing for over an hour and it was making his groomsmen dizzy.

"Calm down bro, it's your wedding day. You should be ecstatic. Why are you so nervous? you're finally marring Yue!"

"I am but I just can't shake these nerves off, it's like something is wrong."

Just then their was a knock on the door and Jia Qi walked in with a worried look on her face.

"By the look on everyone's faces, I'm assuming the groom is driving everyone crazy."

Before Jia Qi could continue He Di interrupted "Is everything okay? Is Yue okay?"

Jia Qi held her hand up to stop him from talking and continued "Your soon to be wife is a nervous wreck, just like you and asked me to come here to ask you to meet with her before the ceremony starts."

Wang He Di ran out of the room to find Yue, and heard Jia Qi shout at him that Yue was in the last room at the end of the hall upstairs.


Yue was able to find a quite room away from her bridesmaids and all the noise. She felt like the walls were closing in and she needed a moment before she became too overwhelmed.

She had been so busy with all the preparations for the wedding, trying to accommodate visiting guests and her endless work schedule that before she realized it, it was her wedding day.

She had been on autopilot that when she saw herself in her wedding dress and all her friends in their bridesmaids dresses, the room started spinning and the walls seem to close in on her.

She knew that the real reason she felt so anxious was that she hadn't been able to see and talk to He Di about their day. She just wanted a moment to see him before they started this new chapter in their journey together.

She had been lost in thought, that she hadn't heard the door open and jumped at the feeling of someone hugging her from behind.

"I almost thought you ran away."

Yue relaxed and laughed at her ridiculous soon to be husband's conclusion.


She turned to face him. "I've been looking forward to today for a longtime so why would I run away today of all days. I think that I was just so overwhelmed with my emotions that I needed some space and quite."

He kissed her forehead and hugged her closer to him "I've been so anxious and nervous the whole day that now that I have you in my arms, I realized that it's because I haven't seen you in two days and I've missed you."

Yue smiled at his sincerity and pulled away to look up at him. "I've missed you too, my love. Thank you for coming to see me, I know it was silly for me to ask to see you before the ceremony. I really can't wait to marry you but I just felt so anxious that I hadn't been able to see you, that I needed to be with you alone before you're stuck with me forever."

He Di laughed and responded "I think you've got that backwards, my love because I think you're the one stuck with me forever. Also you never have to thank me for coming to you, I always want to see you. I've got to admit that I have been a ball of nerves today and I would have probably come to find you myself, if you hadn't asked to see me."

They both laughed and Yue wrapped her arms around He Di's neck bring his forehead to hers, saying "We're both being silly about nothing, aren't we a pair of idiots."

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