Happy Misunderstandings

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Wang He Di and Hao Ge had ran from the airport to the set of 'Happy Camp' and were both out of breath. Hao Ge turned to Wang He Di and with much difficulty told him "Go, get changed and jump to hair and makeup. I will go talk to production". He Di could only manage to nod in acknowledgement before running to get to wardrobe and then makeup. As he was getting powdered he saw Ge run up to him and looked upset "Didi there is a bit of an issue... that needs to be handled carefully".

He Di got up from the makeup chair and dragged Ge out of the room and to a more private area, where they would be able to talk without being over heard. Annoyed Wang He Di asked "What the hell is going on now?". Hao Ge looked around to make sure no one could hear them and in a low voice said "I just found out that Jing Wen, the model you went out with is here... not to be on the show but there are many wandering eyes and ears here so you have to be extra careful how you two interact." Wang He Di crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows "Was this planned or is this just my own bad luck?" Hao Ge opened his mouth to say something He Jiong had passed by and greeted both of them and told He Di that they were about to start. Wang He Di really wanted to catch up with He Jiong before they started filming and told Ge he was going to go ahead. Hao Ge opened his mouth again to speak but closed it quickly, thinking to himself You will see soon enough the other surprise in store for you...  jiāyóu.

Wang He Di had really missed He Jiong, he was one of the few people that would keep in contact and genially cared for him. He Jiong was joking about how one day he was going to be taking all the variety spots. "Don't be silly, I could never do that to you and besides I still do act and have an album that's coming out soon." He Di laughed at He Jiong's comment. He Jiong elbowed He Di and playfully said "That reminds me both your girls are here tonight." He Di looked at Jiong confused and asked "Both girls?". Jiong laughed at He Di and said "Yeah your current girlfriend and your first girlfriend... which is heading this way now." Wang He Di felt his blood go cold No it can't be...

He Jiong walked passed Wang He Di and heard him say "Yue! I've missed you so much. How have you been?". He Di didn't know what to do, he was frozen on the spot and felt the panic start to spread in his chest. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his name being repeated. "Didi! I was just telling Yue that you were here too" Wang He Di turned around to face them and noted that Yue had an unreadable expression on her face. He tried composing himself as best as he could and cleared his throat "Yeah... it was sorta last minute. Management said that you guys needed someone to cover and I happen to be free" he laughed nervously and to his relief He Jiong interjected "Thanks again for that Didi, you really saved us here. Well I'll have to leave you two for a minute. See you soon." Yue and He Di were left standing along and both could feel the awkward tension rise. He Di scratched the back his neck and ear trying to think of something to say when he heard Yue speak.

"How've you been?" she asked awkwardly not looking at him directly. "I'm okay. Busy with work..." he was going to ask her how she was but noticed her pointing behind him and say "Ummm... I think your girlfriend is trying to get your attention". He Di groaned "I'll be right back".

Yue was left standing alone and felt the same feeling raise in her chest from years ago when he was photographed with another girl. She was upset and that only made her mad at herself and vowed to herself that she would keep away from him. She was there to promote her new drama with Xiong Ziqi and she was just going to focus her attention on that and be as professional as she could towards Wang He Di. Her management had been pressuring her to be friendly with Xiong Ziqi during promo so that it would pique viewers interest. She really never did like to rely on those marketing tactic but today she really didn't mind it at all and just prayed that Ziqi would play along.

When Wang He Di left Yue to go speak to Jing Wen, he wanted to clear up something about their "relationship". She had seemed like a nice girl the couple of times they had gone out to eat but never thought of getting in a relationship with her. She agreed that they both were just too busy and that she really didn't see it working out but that her management had told her they should be seen together a bit longer before breaking it off publicly so their public image wouldn't take a big blow. He Di was apprehensive but agreed in the end because he knew that girls had a harder time with public image especially when it came to romantic relationships. He walked back to Yue hoping he could clear up the whole girlfriend thing to her so she wouldn't misunderstand but when he spotted her she was already standing with Xiong Ziqi rather closely and laughing. Wang He Di felt like he was punched in the gut and anger seep into his veins. His line of thinking was interrupted when he heard production telling everyone to get ready that they were going to start filming.

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