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Wang He Di had stopped trying to contact Yue. The more he called, the angrier he got overtime she ignored him and that was starting to affect his mood. Some of his cohosts had even started to mentioned to him that he was rather quiet and had a scowl on his face through most of filming. People were starting to notice that he was not himself and that was not sitting well with him. Why the hell should I be so affected over a pigheaded girl. It's not my fault she doesn't want to listen to reason.

He had resolved with himself that he no longer was going to think about her and what had happened and that he was going to move on. Wu Xize had said that he would help him with her but after their basketball game he had not mentioned Yue and assumed that it was a lost cause.

He also had other matters on his mind that were now out of his control. His management had called and said that Jing Wen and her team asked that their 'relationship' status remain undefined for at least another month. His management team thought it was a great idea for both their images but it did not sit well with him and told them that he would get back to them about it. He was also currently having trouble with the studio where he recorded his latest album and all he wanted to do was to take a week off to get his thoughts straightened out and his life back on track.

He had a photoshoot lined up for today but because of the weather they had decided to reschedule it and he was grateful for the day off, especially for the shitty couple of months he was having - it was his luck that he had the day off tomorrow as well and had decided he would stay home to rest before he had to travel for work. He was mindlessly flipping through channels when he heard his cell phone ring and noticed it was Xize calling him.

"What you want?" Xize laughed at He Di's greeting and responded sarcastically "Well hello to you too sunshine. Is this how you greet all you friends? If so I'm surprised you have any left." Annoyed at Xize comment "I'm going to hang up on you." Xize laughed harder at He Di "Bro I'm having a small get together here and wanted to see if you were available." "Yeah I have the day off but I don't know if I'm up for a get together." Wu Xize, trying to persuade He Di to come over, said "Come on man it's not like it's going to be a blow out party, we're just going to hang out here with a couple of drinks and maybe we can play a video game. It's super chill." Wang He Di really did just want to be alone but also didn't mind a drink or two with the guys and whipping their asses at a video game. He sighed and agreed to go over later.

It took him an hour to get to Wu Xize's place since he had to get ready and wanted to swing by the liquor store to grab a bottle to not arrive empty handed. When he got there he didn't expect that it would just be the two of them and asked Wu Xize where everyone else was. "Everyone is running late but since you're here and you were generous enough to bring a bottle lets start without them." Xize opened the bottle He Di brought and poured them both a glass. Wang He Di sat down on the couch and decided to start a game and told Wu Xize to come over so they could play.

The guys were a bit relaxed since they had finished the bottle Wang He Di brought over. They were having a good time, laughing and talking shit about who was the worst player.

The doorbell rang. Xize went over to open the door and He Di happy to have someone else to play against shouted excitedly "It's about time you guys made..." He automatically stopped talking when he saw that the people at the door were no other than Shen Yue and Li Jiaqi.


Li Jiaqi and Wu Xize after their call, had decided that it was time they intervened after they both told one another what they knew what happened with their two idiot friends. Both friends laughed how their two friends being some of the most well respected and put together people in the industry when it came to one another acted like they were in high school. Li Jiaqi had gotten a hold of Yue's scheduled and Wu Xize being under the same management as Wang He Di was able to pull a few strings with a couple of people he knew to get Wang He Di out of a photoshoot on Yue's day off. They decided that they were going to get those two fools together in one room no matter what and that they would not be allowed out until they spoke to one another.

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