Wandering Thoughts (Yue)

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It had been a couple of months since the reunion and Yue had gone back to her schedule. She liked being busy, it was always fun for her to immerse herself into a new character or project. She was particularly happy to be busy these past 2 months since it kept her from thinking too much...

She really didn't want to read too much into what happened back at the reunion and thank the heaven for the work to keep her thoughts off of that night.

She always liked getting along with everyone, especially for a new project and when it came to making new friends she treated both female and male about the same. So when she knew she would be playing Dong Shancai in such an icon drama, she hoped that she would get along with everyone but especially the four male leads since she would be filming mostly with them and really hoped that it would not be a disaster like the scandal she already lived through with 'A Love So Beautiful'. After that experience she had taken a bit more caution on how she behaved around her colleagues, especially her male colleagues.

The first of the boys she had the pleasure of meeting was Guan Hong and they got along great once he warmed up to her, he also solidified her crush on the character Huaze Lei. She then met Liang Jingkang at a fitting and thought he looked like a tower, she hod to stretch her neck to just look at him. His quirky attitude and funny antics made it easy for both of them to get along great as she too had a quirky sense of humor but she did think of him as a not so mature version of Feng Meizuo. Wu Xize happened to be at the same fitting and sitting in a chair with his sunglasses on. She thought it was a funny thing to have sunglasses inside... there was no sun inside. She guessed he saw her staring at him and he got up and walked over to her to introduce himself, she knew in that instant he would be Yan Ximen, for some reason he looked like a playboy. Later on as filming progressed it surprised her how her first impression of Xize was completely wrong and how funny he could be and how easy he was to tease. Yue and Xize bonded over food and really enjoyed going to try new restaurants, which in her mind is a great basis for any friendship. Finally the last of the boys she got to meet was Wang He Di and the moment he walked in the room and she spotted him from her mirror she knew, that he would be the domineering Dao Ming Si. In her eyes he was the perfect Dao Ming Si and wonder if he this new Dao Ming Si would please her mom as he was her favorite. Wang He Di really hadn't noticed her until his assistant leaned over to him to whisper into his ear who she was. Once he realized that I would be Dong Shancai and we would be working together for the next couple of months, he walked over and introduce himself. It was all so formal but as we started filming and getting more comfortable with one another we had a interesting friendship where we liked to tease and fight with one another.

While filming Meteor Garden it took her by surprise how easy it was to be close with they boys and how well they all got along. It was also where she met two of her now closest friends Li Jia Qi and Sun Quian. But what really surprised her was her dynamic with Wang He Di. He was younger than her and sometimes would really be annoying and they would begin to bicker and end up wrestling which she didn't mind because for her that mean that he saw her as an equal but then there would be moments where he would be really sweet and protective and it would unnerve her.

Ever since the reunion and in the moments she did allow herself to look back at that night, she couldn't help to replay his reply to Dong Xin "No you didn't. I was just helping Shen Yue from falling over when you saw us"... She doesn't know why but his response really had disappointed and hurt her. She would replay again and again every word, every touch and then came to the conclusion that she really was going crazy and that her and Wang He Di only and would only ever have a coworker/ acquaintance relationship.

"Shen Yue! it's time for your scene" she heard the production assistant yell. Slapping her cheeks she chanted to herself "Come on Yue, snap out of it you have work to do"

It had been a long shoot and she was exhausted but was so excited because her best friend Weng Xiao Wen was visiting her but hadn't had a chance to really catch up but they had planned a whole day for tomorrow on her day off. They had agreed to try a bunch new restaurants that Yue had been wanting to try since she started filming but really hadn't had to go try them because of her crazy filming schedule.

Yue had Xiao Wen were having a great time catching up and trying all the delicious food and they sometimes would laugh so loud that they would get stared at. They had decided to grab some coffee at a near by cafe for lunch as they both were still full from breakfast. "Yue, I think we bought everything from the menu. I don't think I can eat for a week!" Xiao Wen complained as she sat down holding her stomach with one hand and trying not to spill her tea with her other hand. Xiao when had laughed at Yue and suddenly gotten serios "Don't say that! We have to try something else for dinner. I have been eating healthy and working out a ton just so that today I could eat everything!" Yue complained as she sat down with her cup of coffee. "Alright Yue, I think it's time we talk about what you've been avoiding wanting to think of for months now and as your best friend I've given you space and time because I knew that you were not up to talking about it... enough is enough. What happened at the reunion?".

Yue embarrassed look down at her coffee and started to fidget with the cup. Sighing "Nothing happened, I went was able to catch up with everyone, had one too many drinks and then... I went home" Xiao Wen eyed Yue suspiciously "I have a sneaky suspicion you're leaving very important details out". Yue leaned right elbow on the table and placed her face on her hand and confusingly responded "It's just all still confusing to me". Xiao Wen knowing very well her friend was one of the most smartest people she knew but sometime she really was a dummy when it came matters of the heart. Clearing her throat she asked "Does Wang He Di have anything to do with this confusing matter?" Yue immediately looked up and was beet red, nervously she replied "What? No... I don't know? Maybe? Maybe I'm just reading into things way too much..." Xiao Wen patiently replied to her very confused friend "How about you tell me what happened with him and maybe I can help clear up the confusion, if not I think it'll do you some good to get some of that off your chest". Yue was never one to bring up matters of the heart but Xiao Wen had known that the Meteor Garden reunion was coming up and that Yue and Wang He Di would be seeing each other again. She found the pair hysterical, it was obvious that they liked each other but kept giving one other mixed signals and both of them just wanted to live in self denial. Xiao Wen thought they just were too scared to accept their own feelings for one another because it could cause problems for one another with their careers and their friends and as Yue recounted what had happened with Wang He Di at the reunion, it solidified her thoughts on the pair.

Once Yue was done telling Xiao Wen the events of the night with Wang He Di, Xiao Wen immediately started to laugh "I can't with the both of you... it's been years! and the both of you are still playing the same self denial game". Annoyed Yue sat back on her chair and exasperated replied "Ughhh... I knew you were going to say that but you weren't there. He doesn't like me like that... he can't". Xiao Wen shook her head and softly replied to Yue "Yue. I love you but when you say things like that it really makes me want to strangle you. You are more than enough to be loved by anyone and they would be so lucky to be loved by you" Yue looked up at her friend with a small smile "Thanks". Xiao Wen put her hand up to stop her friend from further speaking and continued speaking "I'm not done and no thanks are needed, it is the truth. Look Yue we have talked about Wang He Di in the past and I think you know deep down you've been in love with him for quite some time but you don't want to accept it. I have seen you interact and date other men but it's never the same as when your with him. Yue if you could just see what we all see... You would even laugh at yourself and now stupidly blind the both of you have been."

Yue not wanting to talk about the issue any longer smiled at her friend and said "Alright enough of this! We still have the rest of the day to go explore and there is food to be eaten! Lets go!" Xiao Wen sighed and knew that Yue was no longer willing to listen or talk about Wang He Di, they also only had today to really hang out and didn't know when would be the next time they could do this again, so she reluctantly nodded and prayed to whatever devine being could help that these two idiots finally accept their own feelings and help bring them together for the sanity of all their friends.

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