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Shen Yue had just gotten back to the hotel from a long day of shooting and all she wanted to do was get to her room, take a shower and get into bed but at the same time she really wished she could escape so she could see her boyfriend.

After visiting her parents, their schedules had been jam packed with filming and appearances so it had been difficult to see each other. They both got into a routine of texting each other in their down time while at work and tried to video chat at night if they weren't working. 

Shen Yue was getting restless to see her boyfriend, as two weeks had passed since they both last were able to see one another due to conflicting schedules. 

When Yue got to her room, she was surprised to find her boyfriend in the middle of the bed asleep. She had to do a double take and rub her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. When she realized that he was actually there on her bed, she wanted to go jump on him and hug him to death but when she got closer and looked at his face and saw how tired he looked, that she couldn't bring herself to wake him up. So she laid down next to him staring at his peaceful face and before she knew it, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Wang He Di had decided that he could no longer wait to see his girlfriend. He knew she would be filming nearby and that if he finished filming on schedule, he would be able to have the rest of the day off so that he could go surprise her in-person.

He could tell when they had last spoken, that she was not her cheerful self and that the distance was getting to them both. He had missed her and knew that she probably was feeling the same but didn't want to say so because of their hectic work schedules. 

So he decided that because she didn't want to say that she missed him, he wouldn't wait any longer and just go to her. 

His assistant was able to get Yue's assistant help him get into Yue's room and once he got in and laid down on her bed to surprise her, the combination of exhaustion from work, traveling and missing his girlfriend, hit him like a ton of bricks. The next thing he knew he had woken up in the middle of the night with Yue sleeping next to him.

He smiled at her beautiful sleeping face and almost like a reflex his hand had brushed a couple of stray hairs away from her face. She slowly stirred awake, looked at him and smiled, in that moment he felt this overwhelming feeling that she was too far away and grabbed her closer to him. 

He felt her hold him closer and say against his chest "I missed you, I really missed you."

He rolled on top of her and rested his forehead on top of hers and replied "I missed you too. Your here with me and I still miss you." 

He kissed her forehead "I miss hearing your witty comebacks."

He kissed her cheek "I miss the sound of your laughter at my lame jokes."

He kissed neck "I miss your scent."

He kissed her lips "I miss you every second of the day, that I couldn't bare one more without having you in my arms."


Yue was overwhelmed by her boyfriends sudden words that she hadn't realized she was crying till he wiped the tears away.

She grabbed his face with both her hands and looked him in the eyes and told him "Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for staying when you could have easily walked away. Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for always showing up even when your tired."


Yue could see so much love in his eyes and felt like she was finally home. 

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