Relishing in the Moonlight

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Wang He Di stirred awake feeling extremely warm and as he looked for the source of the warmth, he found that Yue had draped herself over him. He smiled at how cute she looked sleeping and when he tried to move, she frowned and held him closer. He really didn't want to move away from her but nature called and he really did need to go, so he grabbed his pillow and was able to slip away by giving her his pillow to hug.

When he came back, he couldn't help stare at her face. He laid next to her and tried to engrave her beautiful features as they bathed in the moonlight. As he watched her, he couldn't help his mind wander back to what had happened between them in the last couple of days. Never in his wildest dream could he imagine that when he came rushing over to check up on her that they would end up having sex.

He smiled to himself as he remembered what had happened.


They were both out of breath, trying to catch their breath. Wang He Di turned to Yue and asked "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you too much did I?"

Yue laughed and turned over to look at He Di "Will you stop asking, I'm okay. I'm still breathing."

He muttered "Barely."

She slapped his arm and he feigned being hurt. They both laid back down and grew quite.

"Yue, I think we really should talk. Don't get me wrong, I loved what we just did but I really want to clear the air between us."

Yue stared up at her ceiling and sighed "I know. How about you go get freshened up and I'll make us a cup of tea."

"How about you go freshen up while I make us lunch, I don't know about you but I'm starving."

Yue laughed and shook her head in agreement.

Once they had both gotten themselves ready and ate, they sat down on Yue's kitchen table each with a cup of tea.

They both didn't know where to start and sat there staring at their own cup of tea, waiting for the other to start.

Wang He Di couldn't stand the silence anymore and cleared his throat. "Yue let me just start by saying that I'm sorry for what happened at Wu Xize's. I got carried away and if I would have know that you still hadn't been intimate with anyone, I would have never let my emotions over take me."

Wang He Di looked up at Yue and saw the hurt in her face. "Now don't get me wrong I don't mean that I regret sleeping with you. I regret how it happened, I would have liked to have dated you first, so that we could have reconnected better and then maybe planned a special place were we could be intimate for the first time and not after a fight at my friend's place."

Yue bit her lip and looked up at He Di "First I'd like to say that, you really don't have anything to apologize for. I am an adult and I could have stopped us if I really wanted to, I also let my emotions over take me. I want to explain to you a couple of things that I know you must be curious about."

"Yue, you really don't need to explain anything. You are right that you are an adult and you have a right to do with yourself as you please."

"Wang He Di, I know all this but I really don't want any more misunderstandings between us and it was really unfair of me how I pushed you away. I just want to clear the air and make you understand a couple of things, so I will ask you to just sit there and listen. If you have any questions please just wait till I'm done."

Wang He Di nodded in acknowledgement and Yue took a sip of her tea.

"I want to start from the beginning when we were filming MG together."

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