17 0 0

Class finishes and everyone is about to walk out of class.

Aizawa Y/n

I walk over to aizawa

You yes

Aizawa tell your mom i'm coming over tomorrow to help you

You oh shi- i mean okay i will

i grab my things and walk out the classroom to Denki waiting for me in the hallway

Denki what are you smiling about

You shouta is gonna help me practice using my quirks tomorrow!!

Denki ouuu sweet when you learn how to control it i expect you to be randomly popping up in my house

You oh trust me i will, and even without a teleportation quirk you still randomly end up at my house..

We're about to walk out the building until we hear someone call towards us

Bakugou OI 

Denki oh god

You what is it now

Bakugou then walks over to me and Denki

Bakugou i don't know what the hell ya'll are getting mad for but i want a rematch in mk so both of you to my house



i stay silent

Denki aww what's the matter usually you're so excited 

You i'm actually gonna sit this one out i have some stuff to do

I then walk passed Bakugou and Denki and out the building

Bakugou ...what's her problem

Denki I don't know but...let's go!

Bakugou stands there looking at you walk away before walking with Denki to his house.

On the walk home I think of practicing my quirk. I see trash on the ground next to a trashcan

Maybe I can move it...

I use my telekinesis to successfully move the trash off the ground and into the bin. Out of happiness I jump around not realizing people are staring. I look up to people staring at me and put on my headphones and speed walk home.

I arrive at my house and call my mom to let her know about Aizawa helping me train.

I sit on my bed wishing I would have went to katsuki's house instead... I get changed and realized it's not to late to go so I close my eyes and envision his house...his room in particular, I then clench my body and teleport but didn't hit the bed...but something hard.

I open my eyes to see I fell on top of kirishima

Kirishima uh...heyyy?

He then starts blushing

Bakugou um what the actual fuck

Kirishima it's kinda hard not to look they're kinda in my face haha..

You oh s-sorry

Denki hey I'm back with sna- oh my...

I quickly get off kirishima and sit next to him trying not to flip out because I actually teleported

Denki well heyy you..popped up just in time

Bakugou just in time for me to whoop this nerds ass

Denki dude you literally suck ass at this game


Denki grabs the controller and starts fighting with Bakugou in the game while me and kirishima talked

Kirishima that was very unexpected

You yea sorry about that..i didn't know you'd be right there

Kirishima so you can teleport? that's so sick!

You yup and i can move and control things

Kirishima woah that's even better


Bakugou dumbass i didn't fucking cheat i'm just better than you


Bakugou oh so you wanna get your ass whooped again? be my guest

They then go at it for about 30 more minutes 

bakugou you've lost every single time...give up loser

Denki now has tears in his eyes

Denki no...there's no way...i can't keep losing..SWITCH CONTROLLERS

Bakugou that ain't gonna help but okay 

You kay i'm getting tired of watching kami lose and cry...let me whoop his ass for you

Denki yea she'll do it!!!

Bakugou i'll leave you worse than that fucking charger bolt

You mhm sure~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

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