at home

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You lay down on your bed turn on your tv, and watch anime until your mom calls you down for dinner.

~At the dinner table~

Y/m so how was Katsuki

You ...he's good

Y/m you know..i miss when you guys were in elementary school. You used to follow him around all the time with little izuki too..he goes to UA too right? how's he?

You well i only really speak to Izuku in school but he's good

Y/m you should hang out with the both of them more..i miss seeing you guys together

You too..I wish I went to the same middle school as them, maybe we would have been closer. But about Izuku and Katsuki i don't really know if they're on..friendship terms quite yet

Y/m oh so Katsuki hasn't stopped picking on Izuku huh

You I not really but..i can tell they both are trying...

You finish eating your food, you wash out your dishes then head up stairs to your room.

Why do you always have to bring up elementary school? It's starting to get annoying. I wanted to stay with them both but YOU thought that other school would be "better for me". You say it like i had a choice..maybe if i had a choice we would be closer MOM.

You enter your room and get out your pajamas and hop in the shower. You get to thinking that you need to make more friends when you go back to school tomorrow. So that's exactly what you're gonna do.

Time skip-the next morning-

You wake up, do your hair, get washed up then throw on your uniform. You go downstairs all ready to walk to school. You open your front door, as soon as the door opens you see Denki standing as if he was about to knock.

Denki mornin sunshine wanna walk to school with me?

You smile then walk with Denki

You wait- didn't you have a car yesterda-

Denki well...let's not talk about that *sniff* mmm you smell good

you i- too

is that weird to say?!!!

Denki oh yea did something happen at Bakugou's house when i was sleeping? I heard you yelling but was too lazy to actually get up

You stare at him for a second

hmmm i don't know Denki do you want me to tell you how i saw both Kirishima and Katsuki's private parts hm???!!!!

You oh..nothing really..

Denki mkay, well it was fun..i think sleeping was the best part

Time skip-at school-

You and Denki arrive at school and walk into the classroom together. Everyone is talking with their friends and you walk with Denki to his seat. And sit on his desk and finish your conversation. You can feel someone staring at you so you turn around and Bakugou is staring at you with an annoyed face.

um...why is he looking at me like that

You wave to him and he turns his head the other way


Denki so then i said-..y/n whatcha looking at

You huh oh nothing 

Denki oh okay anyways i was like bro-

As you're listening to Denki's story you sense someone approaching you so you turn around.

Iida y/n get off that desk!!

You um...what

Iida I said get off that desk, you're disrespecting school property

You aww desk am i hurting you? good

Iida ...desks can't talk and you didn't pay for it so get off

You dude what is your problem?

iida you are th-

Bakugou yo four eyes you're too fucking loud and your voice is annoying. shut the fuck up and leave her alone

Aizawa then opens the class room door and rolls into the classroom while in his sleeping bag. He rolls to the front then steps out.

Aizawa you are all too loud

He then slurps the last of his apple juice pouch

Aizawa y/n get off the desk

You but shouta-

Aizawa off

You fine sorry

Sorry this chapter was so long

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