Part 2(the drive to katsuki's house)

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As you sit on your bed wearing your over sized "nasa" t-shirt and jean shorts waiting for denki to arrive you open on tiktok to get rid of your boredom. As your scrolling your door flings open and before you could react someone jumps on top of you and bear hugs you. You scared you almost use your quirk to take them out but you look and its just denki. You sigh of relief then smack him on top of his head.

"Denki you scared the crap out of me i could have hurt you"

he laughs and says "i'm sorry i didn't know you'd react like that" while scratching his head. He see's the look on your face as if your still almost scared in shock.

He hugs you tighter and says

"aw i'm really sorry don't make me feel bad".

You hug him back and say "its fine you just scared a lot" and laugh to let him know your okay. You stand up from under him even though you really didn't wanna let go of him.

he smells good

And say "are you ready to go?" he stays faced down on your bed

"nah i rather just stay here".

You have a huge smirk on your face before you smack his butt and run out your room yelling "lets goo!!" almost tripping down the stairs from laughing as you hear his scream and loud footsteps chasing after you.

You get to your front door and before you open it he comes running from behind you and picking you up while saying "gotcha". You try to flee out his hands before your parent comes out the kitchen

"if you guys are gonna leave please be more quiet".

You guys break your stare with your parent as he puts you down and pats you on the head and says "sorry we were just leaving".

You and Denki walk out your house and to his car.

he's stronger than i remember

You get in the front seat and ask "how's Kiri getting there?". Denki shrugs his shoulders saying " i don't know call him and ask if he wants me to pick him up". You face time Kiri and ask "do you want me and Denki to come pick you up" he smiles and says "nah, no worries i'm already here see" and points the camera to Kastuki on the couch really into whatever game he's playing.

Then you hear him yell "DUMBASS YOU BETTER NOT BE TAKING ANY PICTURES OF ME!!!!". You laugh and say alright well see you there and hang up the phone.

Meanwhile at Katsuki's house, Katsuki says "i should have gone and picked her up not him", while still paying attention to his game leaving Kirishima staring at him.

On your way to katsuki's house you and denki are singing karaoke, you look at him and stare wishing this moment will never end.

he's even cuter than before too.

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