katsuki's house

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You and Denki pull into Katsuki's drive way as the song you two were just singing ends.

 You out of breath and sweating a little says "that was fun". Denki says "yea i totally sing better" and shrugs your shoulder.

 You two stare at each other for a second until you break out of your stare and undo your seat belt. 

Jeez that was a kinda awkward silence, what if i kissed him...HA imagine

You get out the car and knock on the door. Katsuki yells "ITS OPEN!!!". as you unlock the door you see Katsuki and Kiri playing a game. Kiri pauses it and runs up to you and gives you a big hug. Katsuki looking over at him annoyed.

He's always been super nice and thoughtful

 You walk over to Katsuki who is staring at the paused screen. You stand in front of the t.v and he looks up at you and mumbles"can you move i can't see".

You bend down to give him a big hug and says "dummy its paused and hug me back" while sucking your teeth. You and Katsuki pretty much were the closest, even tho he may not act like it, he cares for you a lot.

As your bending down to give Katsuki a hug you feel his arms wrap around you, not tightly but just enough.

 You smile and he says "is this enough for you to let me go" in your head you think 

no i want you to hug me forever

 "yes that was all i needed" is what you said. You let go of him plopped down on the couch next to him. "so wheres your mom"

"Tsk, that old hags upstairs or something but don't even think abou-"

"MITSUKI IM HEREEE" you yell up the steps to his mother. She comes jetting down the stairs and gives you the tightest hug. 

"M-Mistuki i can't b-breathe"

She puts you down and cups your face in her hands. "Ugh (y/n) i've been waiting for the day you came back over its been too long"

You smile and rub the back of your head. "yea i've been wanting to come past for a while but KATSUKI over here claimed he was busy" you and his mom look down at him on the couch annoyed. "OI WHAT THE FUCK YOU TWO LOOKING AT!!!" he says with his arms spread on the back of the couch. Kiri and denki in the corner standing there not knowing what to say.

Mitsuki rolls her eyes at Katsuki and turns her attention to Denki ."Oh and who's this other fine gentlemen". Denki blushes and sticks out his hand "oh uh.. my name is De-" his words cut of by Mitsuki tightly hugging him.

"Air" he gasps as she lets him go. "Its nice to see that my shitty son has some friends finally" she says as she slaps him on the back of his head.


his words cut short from Mitsuki slapping him a second time across the head


Katsuki rubbing his head mumbling insults at her as he walks up the stairs. Kirishima following straight after him. "you two dumbasses coming or what" you and Denki look at each other before also following the two upstairs.You enter Katsuki's room and belly flop onto his bed, Denki also belly flopping on top of you and Kiri following after. You stuck under them laughing but also struggling to breathe. Katsuki notices and yells "SHE'S GONNA DIE IF YOU DON'T GET OFF HER".

Kiri and Denki quickly removing themselves off you laughing. You stay faced down on the bed in a starfish position. 

"welp i think we killed her" kirishima says 

"let me check" katsuki says as he walks up to you and grabs your waist


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