Uh Oh's and I Don't Think So's

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         Besides the fact that Nate was looking very disheveled, the date was great. Poppy insisted on buying him new clothes, even though Nate was trying to stop her. She couldn't help it, it felt like it was partly her fault. After that, they browsed the shops and ended up in the Kitchens where they met up with Fimmy, Charlie, Sybill, and Indi. Although, Poppy's friends were mostly arguing and debating about everything from dragons to divination.

You better think that Sybill was standing on the table when they brought up how pointless divination was. Poppy's never seen the girl so worked up.

Poppy even managed to forget the prank the marauders pulled for a while. At least until she caught a glance at a nervous Peter Pettigrew scurrying down the halls.


         The fiery red-headed girl storms through the hallways, her wand clenched tightly in her hand. People part the halls like the Red Sea, not wanting to get caught in her fury. Poppy couldn't find a glimpse of Peter's mousy hair or a single marauder. Not that she would think they'd be easy to find. By now, they probably were hiding in some enchanted room or somewhere-

Poppy stops her stomping when she hears the familiar laugh of Sirius Black. She follows the sound until she spots him in a fairly empty corridor. She spins and rushes over to the boy, fuming. She places a hand on the shoulder, making Sirius face her.

Only problem...

That's not Sirius Black.

Regulus Black turns around when he feels a firm hand on his shoulder, expecting it to be one of his fellow Slytherins, only to see it's the red-headed Hufflepuff, Poppy Evans. They've never spoken, but Regulus has seen the looks his brother has thrown towards the girl. Although, there seems to be some awkward tension recently between the two of them.

Poppy blushes and immediately removes her hand from his shoulder. "Sorry, I thought you were Sirius."

Regulus goes to answer her, but is stopped when Evan Rosier and three other Slytherins pop up behind him, looking threatening at the Poppy. Regulus notices the look in her eyes, a nice try of trying to look unafraid, however he can spot the shine of fear.

Her fears justified too. Poppy's never run into something like this and it's easy to remember that she's muggle-born as well as completely alone. It doesn't help that she's friends with the marauders. Poppy grips her wand tightly and discreetly, not wanting to draw attention to her weapon. She glances around quickly trying to spot anyone who could help her. She takes a slow step backward.

"Sorry about the mishap, won't happen again." Poppy says quickly as she turns and begins to speed walk away. However, the malicious chuckle makes her pause.

"Where do you think you're going mud blood." One guy says.

"You think it's okay to touch your superiors like that?" Another adds

"You should beg for forgiveness and kiss his shoe for touching him with your dirty hands." They turn up their noses as Regulus stares without any emotions showing.

"Mud-blood." Rosier insults with a sneer, taking a step closer to her. "I say we teach her a lesson. Don't you agree?" The boys nod with him, but Regulus jumps in calmly.

"She's not worth the effort." He states. "Not worth our time."

Rosier smirks at Regulus. "Ah, very true. However, I'm quite bored and-"

Poppy finds her voice. "You're making a mistake." She's a bit surprised to find that she sounds confident instead of timid or scared.

"No, you've made a mistake touching him with your-"

Poppy cuts him off for the second time. "I mistook him for someone else and it won't happen again. Now, I'll be on my way-"

Rosier suddenly reaches forward and grips Poppy's arm tightly. He pulls her closer to him and Poppy's sure he's going to leave a mark from his rough hold on her arm. "Don't interrupt me, bitch." He growls near her ear.

Poppy gains a sudden confidence, making her lean into him so she can whisper back sweetly. "Don't touch me, fuckface."

The red-head throws her head back, her back of her skull knocking into Rosier's nose. He lets go of her immediately, opting to grip his now ferociously bleeding nose. Poppy doesn't care that she's two years older than him and that the other Slytherins are third years, except for one sixth year. His posse gasps before pulling out their wands and pointing them threateningly at her. "You'll regret that, mud-blood!

Poppy tilts her head with a scary grin as she lifts her wand. "Will I?"

Regulus, ever the peacemaker, steps forward. "I accept your apology and we'll go our separate ways-"

Rosier cuts in for the millionth time. "NO! The bitch broke my nose!" He yells, still gripping his bleed nose.

Poppy smiles to herself at the repeated insult and his bloodied collar of his uniform. "You can get the blood out with cold water and some soap." She suggests.

"Stupefy!" Rosier yells angrily at her.

Poppy lifts her wand and swipes his spell off to the side wordlessly. "I am in my fifth year and you are in your third. You can't beat me." She tells him seriously. (siriusly lol. ok not the time...)

"I'm in my sixth year." One guy says.

"I'm in my fourth and he's a fifth, like you!" Another shouts.

"Oh, my mistake." Poppy apologizes casually and without caring. She could still beat their asses.

"Hey!" A voice yells. Poppy doesn't give a chance for the boys to attack by turning her back. Although, she can hear many footsteps, meaning it's more people. Poppy silently hopes that it's some of her friends on their way to back her up.

"Put your wands down." Poppy recognizes the voice belonging to Nate, but what surprises her more is that she hears Sirius' next.

"Or else."

Poppy finally risks a glance behind her, noticing that along with Nate and Sirius is Remus, James, and Peter. It's a bit strange since Nate and Sirius do not get along. Poppy shrugs, opting to question it later.

"In other words, fuck off!" James steps forward, puffing up his chest to look more intimidating. In another situation Poppy would've rolled her eyes and compared them to bears because they assert their dominance the same way, but felt it wasn't the time to bring it up.

Despite being out numbered, Rosier tries to take a step towards them again, but is stopped when Regulus grabs his arm. "Stop." He tells him calmly and leads him away, their posse following them.

"What happened?" Sirius and Nate question in synch. They glance at each other for a moment before directing their gaze to the lightly amused Poppy.

"Why was Rosier covered in blood?" Remus pipes up.

Poppy smirks. "I broke his nose with the back of my head."

"Doesn't your head hurt?" Peter asks quietly.

Poppy shrugs and pulls her hair off the side. "A little, but it's worth it."


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