Night Talks and New Meanings

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        Sirius can't help admire the mysterious, red-headed, closet hiding, party organizer, who kicks people for a pen. She's so fascinating. One moment she's shy, another she's angry, and sometimes she's sad. The fact that she doesn't pop up on their map is even weirder. Makes them think they're crazy or that the map is broken. They can watch her walk the halls, but nothing shows on the map, not even little footsteps.

However, Sirius would never admit it, but that's not the reason he's so interested. There's something so enticing about her. From the color of her eyes to her very personality. He can tell he's barely hit the surface of who she actually is. The fact that nobody ever notices her, her own sister doesn't know her name, and how well she seems to hide her emotions.

Everyday, he wants to know more. He wants to find out her favorite color, her favorite song, even her favorite smell. He wants to be around her constantly. From the moment he saw her in the closet she's been on the forefront of his mind constantly. Even his mates have noticed that he hasn't even flirted with another girl since the moment they butt heads. He knows the exact spot he placed the pen she hurt him for.

Sirius finds his mystery girl in the middle of the night when he glances out the window. Recently, he could start finding her quicker and quicker. So, when he spots the girl past curfew sitting up in a tree, his response is immediate. He grabs a sweater and rushes out of the common room.

Sirius expertly avoids the caretaker, Filch and uses a tunnel to get outside of the castle. Sirius can catch a glimpse of her from afar. She lays back against the trunk of the tree her leg dangles off the edge swinging. As he walks closer he can see another pen in her hand. She scribbles against some parchment. Her eyebrows furrow together in concentration and frustration.

Sirius clears his throat, startling her. She jumps enough to unbalance her, making her desperately grab the branch she was sitting on. She gets a grip on one hand, making her fly around. She flips around involuntarily, but manages to land on her feet. Sirius stands there in shock at the weird moment.

"How did you do that?" He asks, pointing to the tree where the somewhat impressive thing happened.

"I have absolutely no idea." She answers, a little breathless. She turns to him. "How did you get here?"

"No idea." He copies her with a grin that shows he's obviously lying. She sighs, blowing a hair out of her face and grabbing her pen and paper from the grass. The wind blows, throwing leaves from the tree on them both and with her usual grace it lands right in her mouth, making her sputter and cough. Sirius smiles, trying to hide a laugh.

"What do you need?" She says, throwing him a glare for laughing at her. Sirius shrugs nonchalantly and runs his hand through his hair.

"I want to talk to you."

Poppy sighs frustrated. "If it's about the Ball, I really haven't decided on everything yet-"

Sirius cuts her off by waving his hands. "No. I want to know your name."

Poppy scoffs. "How do you know it's not my name?"

"Don't be ridiculous. It's obviously not your name." He rolls his eyes as she sighs.

"What does it matter?"

"If it didn't matter you would tell me. Besides you've obviously have family issues considering your own sister doesn't know you." Poppy can feel her eyes prickle with tears, but manages not to shed a single teardrop.

"You can call me Evans." Sirius opens his mouth to argue, but she cuts him off. "It's my name."

Sirius sighs sadly. "Okay." They stand there awkwardly until Sirius breaks the silence. "Why are you outside?"

"I like to have time to myself." Poppy admits. Sirius moves to sit against the trunk of the tree. He beckons her to join her on the floor. She rolls her eyes again, but sits beside him. The wind blows, sending a shiver down her back. Sirius notices.

"Do you want my scarf?"

"No, I'm fine." She shivers again, unable to hide it. Sirius sighs.

"What's your favorite color?" Poppy looks at him to make sure he's serious, he is. (sirius, lol)



         After a while sleepiness pops in. Poppy's eyes flutter shut, but she continues talking to the handsome boy beside her. Sirius too, is tired. He glances at his Gryffindor scarf wrapped around her neck, glad he convinced her to wear it. He likes how she looks with his scarf.

"You know, Penny is a good nickname."

Poppy opens her eyes to look at him incredulously. "Are you serious?"

He laughs opening his eyes to wink at her. "It is my name, love."

Poppy smacks his arm and lays back against the tree. She can't help but mutter. "It's so overused."

"Remember when you kicked me for a pen?"

"I remember." She murmurs.

"Well, it's a pen." Poppy hums. "So, Pen-ny."

She burst out laughing, opening her eyes and sitting up to giggle. He watches the smile on her face. "That is the worst thing I've ever heard."

"You obviously never heard James sing." Sirius tells her with a grin, making hers grow wider.

"Thanks." She whispers before standing up, brushing off dirt from her muggle sweatpants. Sirius smiles sadly, knowing they both have to go to bed. "Goodnight."

Sirius watches as Poppy walks away. She's so much more than he would've thought. "Goodnight."


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