Hangovers and High

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(Mention of drugs and teen drinking)

         The next day Poppy felt like her skull was about to explode. Everything was louder, brighter, and ten times more annoying in her crappy mood. Truth be told, Poppy really couldn't remember much of the party, so it was a bit of shock when Lily came in with a glass of water in hand and nasty potion to help with the hangover.

Sirius Black really didn't feel different than his usual hangovers. They still sucked, but it's not too different than normal hangovers. Although, Sirius was still upset about everything with Poppy, ranging from Nate Allen to his little brother, Regulus. He doesn't want to dwell about it. He just wants another drink if he's being honest.

Nate Allen did not have a hangover. He likes to think himself a bit of a party person, but with Poppy drinking till she dropped, he was too worried. He was also quite upset with Poppy. He was really looking forward to spending time with the pretty redhead, but instead had to chase her around and when he eventually lost her, he was left alone.

Remus Lupin really had an experience. With the combination of drugs and alcohol, he was honestly a bit worried that he wouldn't wake up the next day, although he was too out of it to think about it too much. It wasn't Remus' first time drinking, but after being unintentionally fed a pot brownie he felt like he was floating.

Guess that's why they call it high.


         The first week of February Poppy was focused on giving out apologies, which were quite a lot. After thanking Lily, her first priority was Sirius. However, Sirius had some other plans and instead chose to ignore her. She could still hear her own stupidity when she said everything. Although, thinking back on what she said, it didn't seem too bad, but she did regret bringing up his brother. Strangely, she remembers noticing that he became agitated after she mentioned Nate. Weird.

The following week, Poppy finally got Nate to forgive her by bombarding him with tons of flowers, baked goods, and locking him in a room with her. The last option really worked for her though. He forgave her, surprisingly easily for having to be locked in a room.

But she still has to get Sirius.



A/N: Sorry for the super short chapter! I'm having major writer's block.

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